Acute Bronchitis

What we thought as a normal fever and cough was actually an acute bronchitis. Poor little girl.

Earlier, the boys had cough first. ‘Aaqil had it before we fly back to Cairo while ‘Arfaan got it few days after. Along with fever. But his fever only 38c+ and his appetite was normal.

So when ‘Atiyyah’s ‘turn’, she started with cough. Then the next day she loss her appetite and when the night came, she started to have some temp. It was Wednesday. So on Thursday we cont pcm and the temp didnt go down. So i start to do sponging and looking for the suppository meds. Unfortunately our suppository stocks were not in a good form – cant be used.

Later that night, doctor came and he said she has acute bronchitis and she will need to be on antibiotic – daily injection for 4 days and followed by 5 days of oral augmentin. Also few more meds for her cough and lungs.

Salbovent to open up lungs, Mucosol for cough, Dolphin (suppository- anti inflammation) & Ceftriaxone the jab she needs to take daily

After day 3 of jabs, she finally has appetite huhu. The most worrying was her appetite and the moment she gained it, we are all happy. Coz she finally became ‘herself’ hehe . She became more playful, responsive, active and no longer lie down all the time. Thats a sign of recovering insyaAllah. Her cough still there though. The phlegm and all. But the cough now less frequent. Its a good sign eh?

Hope baby girl we be out of the woods soooooon. As sHe will celebrate her 2nd birthday in less than 10days masyaAllah. amiiiin

A Date With My Girl

Had a good outing day earlier today with ‘Atiyyah. Its been a very overwhelming couple of days (and nights) and I have to put it here somehow. To remind me of the rewarding journey insyaAllah

Just look at that pure little girl face. She face some meltdown episodes this past few days and nights. Perhaps turning to 2yrs soon huh sayang.

We went for a nursery hopping today. The pic was after a good visit to one of the nursery in the mall (yes so strategic for us moms ya 😷). Then she fall asleep in the stroller while i had a good shopping spree alhamdulillah needed for so long. Planned to find some stuff for myself which i think the boys wouldnt enjoy if i do it in the weekend (waiting is boring i know). She woke up jusssssst in time we reach the restaurant for our lunch goodgirl youuuu little baby. So she was all bubbly and fresh and masyaAllah so behave

Going to visit few more schools in the next few weeks until we found the best school for her. Will enroll perhaps after summer when she turns two in Sept and insyaAllah will wean off by then.

May Allah ease everything xx

Bebe & Chicklet

Its ‘Atiyyah new favourite teddies now. Yang kelakarnya dua2 bukan dia punya pun. Bebe tu teddy hadiah dari ‘Aaqil utk ummi masa mothers day tahun lepas.

Chicklet pulak ‘Aaqil (& ‘Arfaan) punya beli kat CFC sebab ‘Aaqil nak plushy toy nak bawak peluk atas flight hehe

So ‘Atiyyah sedang develop girlish side of her . Nak ada baby doll yg dia boleh tidur kan, bwk peluk, or even buh kan ubat kat muka bebe. Hehe

Bebe yg blue stripes & Chicklet the brown one

Gambar kat atas ni semalam sebab dia afternoon nap 2jam lebih. Jarang berlaku ye. Sedap sgt tidur sbb malam sebelum crancky yg amat smpi ummi migrain esoknya haha

Stay cheeky my baby girl. We love you so much!

Makcik Bawang

Sekarang kalau nak buat kerja kat dapur kalau si kenit ni ada sekali dia akan tolong kemas bahagian simpan bawang. Haha. Mula2 dia akan selongkar. Lepastu dia kupas kulit. Dan makan! Tapi rasanya dia tak telan la dia kupas masuk mulut n kemam. Aduyaiii

Muka selamba je makan kulit bawang

Ada satu hari tu ‘Atiyyah ‘hilang’ tiba2. I came out from toilet, the boys playing in their room and husband on conf meeting. MasyaAllah berderau rasa tak jumpa ‘Atiyyah anywhere in all rooms!

Senyaap je. Kat hall pun takde. Sekali pergi dapur guess what dia tengah buat apa? Kupas bawang!!! Lega nya ya Allah tapi muka dia masa tu macam alamak kantoi haha. Senyap2 je dia sorang2 ke dapur. Aduhai ‘Atiyyah janganla buat mcm tu lagi. Belum dpt kaki lg ni.

Nak kena pasang sensor kat si kenit ni tau gerammmm. Kita tgk fasa kupas bawang ni sampai umo berapa 😂😂

‘Atiyyah Graduated Solid

Dalam 2 minggu sebelum birtday ‘Atiyyah, setiap hari ada progres positif dgn penerimaan ‘Atiyyah to solid food.

Kalau sebelum ni,

  • Tak boleh accept air masak even minum dari cawan, akan buat muka mual
  • Takleh telan any food yg walau sekecil butir nasi dia akan buat gaya tercekik
  • Ada sesetengah food macam contain wheat or even rempah biasa, lepas 2 jam cmtu makan dia akan muntah habis semua

So ada satu malam tu kami test la bg dia buah mangga. Eh boleh pulak. Dia suka sangat. Lepastu try timun. Pun boleh. Cuma masih struggling nak kunyah n hisap sebelum telan. Tapi at least dah tak choking macam sebelum ni.

Then I have a water bottle of my own. Jenis straw. Saje nak kpi minum air masak daily. Dia suka tgk ummi minum so saje la hulur straw kat dia. Mula2 dia acah2 je konon nak minum. Sekali ada satu time tu dia berjaya sedut haaa tersedak. Pastu dia syok and dia berjaya sedut dan telan. MasyaAllah what a milestone. Sebab abg2 dia dulu rasanya dah one yr + baru pandai straw. Drastik sangat dari xleh accept plain water lansung sekali syok pulak dia dpt straw haha alhamdulillah

Bubur kami masih bagi yg hancur sebab nak cepat dia telan dan boleh mix banyak2 sayur n protein. Fav masih sweet potato w spinach and hav to add ikan bilis for flavor. Ayam pun boleh makan da.

So bila tengok progress dia cemerlang, we try to give her croissant, bread, rice, pasta. All she has no problem to chew and swallow and best thing is she didnt vomited hrs after the meal. Syukurrrr. Few days back tried to give her ‘Arfaan’s fried egg and she ate it no problemmm. No allergies as well.

Now she weighs 8.3kg and catching up ❤️

I dunno what we did that we managed to solve most of her feeding issues. Partly I believe the zikir works. I learned from one of Ustzh Asma Harun ceramah to practice this one zikir ; Laailaa ha illallahu wahdahu laa syariikalah lahulmulku walahulhamdu yuhyi wayumitt wahiwa ala kulli syai’in qadir – 100xdaily. Salah satu khasiat zikir ni adalah akan dilepaskan dari kita 100 kesulitan dan diberikan 100 kebaikan. I believe all the good things happen recently are due to this. MasyaAllah tabarakallah.

11 bulan

Harini our baby gurl ‘Atiyyah genap sebelas bulan. MasyaAllah pantas betul masa berlalu. Lagi sebulan dah umo setahun!

I must say that she is relatively different from her abangs. Well of course la sebab girl kan. Lepas tu rezeki dia ummi dpt hands on jaga dia day and night. Alhamdulillah atas aturanNya 🙂

Lets sum up her milestones. Gigi dah ada 4btg, 2 atas 2 bawah. Atas ada gigi baru nak tumbuh tapi belum full lagi. Hehe. Semalam timbang berat ‘Atiyyah dah 8.2kg. Well a lil bit underweight (I think) walaupun pakai baby girl chart. She is not that chubby baby compares to her brothers when theyre at her age but its okay. As long as she is active, sleeps well, bfeed well and milestones on track nothing else matters. You can be chubbier later when youre bigger kayh.

‘Atiyyah boleh wave goodbye. Clap her hands when shes happy. Kalau baca doa adia akan buat gaya ‘amiiin’ sapu muka hehe. Kalau kita sebut ‘habis’ dia akan buat gaya tangan (both hands) habissss. If we say ‘hello’ she will put her hand on her ear. Awwwh

She can say few words eg Dah, Nak. Can understand ‘nak susu?’ Or ‘jom’

occasionally she will do this 🤣

Her fav food are puree. Sweet potatoes, carrot, pumpkin, spinach, chicken. (So far) not a big fan of Broccoli, meat, salmon. Still no chunky porridge huhu as she will choke hmmmm. Her tummy will reject rice, or anything with wheat flour (we think) as she will vomit after 2-3hrs consuming those. We will try again in few months timw. Maybe shes just not ready yet.

ummi loves u

Recently she loves to climb the sofa and her ‘cage’. She now begins to crawl more than just belly crawl. Alhamdulillah. Perhaps will be on foot earlier than her brothers? Hehe. Coz shes a bit hardcore and adventurous compared to the brothers. ‘Arfaan dulu seingat ummi sgtlah graceful and slowmo and sopan. ‘Atiyyah suka redah dan lagi org halang lagi dia buat. Haha. Baby 2020 niiii

Counting days to your first birthday babygorlll ❤️

Eczema Baby?

After we came back from Marsa Alam, ‘Atiyyah’s dry patch near her lips became reddish and flares up. Here I show you pic before Marsa Alam and few days after we came back.

otw to Marsa Alam – dry patch on right cheek
patch getting larger and itchier by days

Hence we didnt know what triggered the redness. If its the weather/humidity, its been hot since June. And the weather is dry since forever in Egypt 🥲

Since its getting worse, we applies earth mama to restore moisture however it didnt help the flares at bay. We opt for Ceradan but still na ah. No improvement. In fact yesterday there were additional red bumps. Not sure whether it infected other areas or just bug bites huhu. Alhamdulillah only on her cheek and not on other part of her body, syukur.

Meds we use so far. Got Tarolimus from the pharmacy here which is equiv to Protopic 1% back home 🇲🇾

Felt so helpless especially at night as she will scratch her face til bleed sobs.

Today’s photo. Criess

Will keep update on her progress here inshaallah for future reference. Or for those who are battling eczema or the likes. May Allah grant her shifa’…

My doa is for Allah to ease her pain, to give us guidance to find the cure. Ujian dari Allah setelah berjuta nikmat Dia beri, kami redha 😌🤲🏼

Belly Crawling

Thats my princess ‘Atiyyah has been busy doing since more than a week ago. And of late she is more of an explorer rather just to catch her toys or stuff. She will be everywhere the minute you put her on the floor. Alhamdulillah for this milestone.

That thinking invisible cap

This is our 3 rd child but only now we noticed the importance of tummy time because before this we only ‘have’ the babies during night time and weekends (working parents 😌). So we took for granted the needs to not ‘tie’ them. Instead we have to let them explore in order to strengthen their limbs arms and legs. We learned in the hard way as we realised that she was a bit behind than her brothers in terms of milestone. Now i only put her on rocker when I need to go to the toilet or when sometimes to get her sleep longer.

Switches and sockets are my favs

Grow stronger and healthier sayang ❤️🌹

‘Atiyyah Unwell

…for the first time. Nope not fever. It was something else which we never experienced with the two boys.

It all started after I cooked lunch the other day. Last Wed to be exact. She was crying for more than 15mins at living hall (as usual) while I was at the kitchen and I quickly went to get her. Brought her to our room to calm her down (read : bfeed), thats when she vomited. A.LOT.

I’ve experienced this with ‘Aaqil before so I thought well she will be okay coz ‘Aaqil was okay when he vomited milk about her age jugak.

Asked ‘Aaqil to help me with the vomit ie took the nearest blanket whilst I changed myself and put ‘Atiyyah to shower as we both covered with vomit.

She was okay during shower and nothing to be alarmed of. All fresh, I brought her to the hall back and try to bfeed her again and she vomited for the 2nd time. Clueless.

So I tried bfeed her while laying on bed (much calmer I thought) and she finally asleep alhamdulillah. She woke up 2x during sleep and as usual I bfeed her to put her to sleep again. After half an hour she woke up and I carried her up from bed thats when she vomited for the 3rd time and it was A LOT! So I thought okay maybe she coz she didnt burped just now.

The aftermath of this 3rd vomit was really worrying. She became so weak she didnt responded to her brothers she didnt even look into my eyes. Tembus je. Ok masa ni sis dah panik. Terus tukar cakap melayu ni tskk

Called my husband ask him to come back coz I dont feel good about her. Masa tu pk nak call my mom la supaya ‘Atiyyah respon sikit. So vid call my mom. Mak agah ‘Atiyyah tapi dia bolayan je. Mata dia dah kuyu dan dia seakan2 nak lelap. Huhu panik masa ni. My mom and adik2 pun tolong panggil nama ‘Atiyyah supaya dia tak terus lesu dan lembik.

Btw dia takde temp pun. Dedar pun tak. Muntah sahaja. She had Farleys biscuit je that morning and the rest was my milk. So i was quite puzzled.

Cut stoey short, my husband said he’s otw back. Then Suhaib my brother hes a doctor vid called me. He knew from my family back home that ‘Atiyyah was unwell. So he said ‘Atiyyah looks normal. Tapi masa tgh borak2 tu ‘Atiyyah nye mata naik ke atas mcm tgh drowsy n kepala dia lembik. I shouted her name nak makesure she didnt sleep. Masa tu zikir je. My bro said tlg bwk dia pegi emergency. That was the first time sepanjang being a mom for the past 9yrs sbb tak pernah terjadi sebelum ni. Sambil dodoi n zikir tu, Suhaib still online but I couldnt focus anymore. Husband home (finally) and I passed her to him. I said we have to get ready and straight to emergency.

In less than 20mins we were already at Queens Royal Hosp New Cairo- husband’s colleague recommended this hosp specialized on mom child. ‘Aaqil and ‘Arfaan stayed in the car with our driver Moustafa (bless him).

Masa tunggu turn jumpa doc

After checking, doc said she’s not dehydrated yet. She might caught with stomach flu ie gastritis due to exposure to weather. We thought might be coZ the day before we were outdoor from morning til noon at the immigration office.

So the doc gave her an injection called Zofran and asked us to wait an hour before bfeed her again. Doc also prescribed her with these 2 meds which we have to get ourselves from pharmacy (same practice as in Turkey – circa 2013).

Alhamdulillah she was a lot better that night. She can bfeed without vomit after feeding. Can burp and fart like normal. That shows her system is working fine. Just that the Gastreg syrup caused her stool became a bit watery. After we discontinued the syrup (4x), everything back to normal. I also stopped her solid food til today just to ‘reset’ her stomach.

24hrs after the visit to hospital ❤️

May Allah keep my kids safe and away from sickness. Memang memori pahit yg taknak lagi diulang ya Allah. My worst nightmare became true – having to bring my child to the hospital here during covid, but alhamdulillah it wasnt that bad. At least we know. Hope that was the first and last amiiiin…

Keep Me Warm

My sister Sulafa’ made the prettiest neatest comfiest cardigans. Best of all, it is made with love awwww

She managed to knit 3 pairs of cardigans in less than a month i think. 2 for ‘Atiyyah and one for ‘Arfaan – well supposed to be for ‘Aaqil but apparently ‘Aaqil has grown exponentially for the past months hence it was handsmedown to ‘Arfaan right away LOL

One in blue the other in black-yellow

Bawah ni pulak ‘Atiyyah wearing a paddlepop color cardigan. Sweet kan?

our first outing in Cairo (lunch at Maharaja CFC)

Mujur Cairo masih sejuk sepanjang kami di sini (18c to 10c) jadi sempatlah melaram berwinter cardigan bagai bila keluar. Next winter confirm ‘Atiyyah dah tak muat nak pakai 😝

Thanks Makchik if youre reading this!🥰 Tak sabar nak tgk cardigan ummi pulak next winter. Eh 😝😝