New Journey

Everything happened so fast. From the moment I found out about UM remote learning. Honestly followed my instinct. In between istikharah and dhuha. Prayers. To the point I received the unconditional offer from University of Aberdeen. All in less than six weeks.

Throwback. I prayed hard everyday to be given a sign and gerak hati. Ultimately approaching Zulhijjah, I put the doa in my doa list – very general ie to be given the best for me and if its not the best pls make me redha and replace it with something better. Thanks to dhuyufurrahman friends and of course mak abah who ‘helped’ me with the prayers (too). I knew Allah answered my prayers through them for I am too sinned.

After few discussions with my dear husband, I decided to take IELTS (this was end July) and I said to my husband, let see where the results will take me – take it as a sign of GO or NO GO.

Got myself few days to practice for the test questions – will write more about IELTS later. Sit for exam and got the results few days after. Then I have less than 2 weeks to prepare my application – cv, personal statement and degree docs. Alhamdulillah everything went smooth masyaAllah.

And here I am. Day 1 of MSc. Well technically class starts next Monday. This week (12-16 Sept) is welcoming week.

Bismillah. “If He gets you to it, He will get you through it” InsyaAllah

Acute Bronchitis

What we thought as a normal fever and cough was actually an acute bronchitis. Poor little girl.

Earlier, the boys had cough first. ‘Aaqil had it before we fly back to Cairo while ‘Arfaan got it few days after. Along with fever. But his fever only 38c+ and his appetite was normal.

So when ‘Atiyyah’s ‘turn’, she started with cough. Then the next day she loss her appetite and when the night came, she started to have some temp. It was Wednesday. So on Thursday we cont pcm and the temp didnt go down. So i start to do sponging and looking for the suppository meds. Unfortunately our suppository stocks were not in a good form – cant be used.

Later that night, doctor came and he said she has acute bronchitis and she will need to be on antibiotic – daily injection for 4 days and followed by 5 days of oral augmentin. Also few more meds for her cough and lungs.

Salbovent to open up lungs, Mucosol for cough, Dolphin (suppository- anti inflammation) & Ceftriaxone the jab she needs to take daily

After day 3 of jabs, she finally has appetite huhu. The most worrying was her appetite and the moment she gained it, we are all happy. Coz she finally became ‘herself’ hehe . She became more playful, responsive, active and no longer lie down all the time. Thats a sign of recovering insyaAllah. Her cough still there though. The phlegm and all. But the cough now less frequent. Its a good sign eh?

Hope baby girl we be out of the woods soooooon. As sHe will celebrate her 2nd birthday in less than 10days masyaAllah. amiiiin

First Week

…of school is almost done!

‘Aaqil now in Year 6 and ‘Arfaan in Year 1. Surprisingly first day of school for Year 1 here in Cairo was really easy and laid back. Compared to if we were back home. People here take it so normal like just any other day. Haha

Kita pulak segan nak bergambar dgn anak. Ye lah Year 1 tu macam Darjah 1. Kita org Malaysia kena la rakam saat manis dan hari bersejarah kan. Lol. Walaupun I knew that this will be repeated when we moved back to Malaysia and ‘Arfaan will be Darjah 1 in 2024 insyaAllah. Dejavu. Funny but true.

Boys are settling well. With routines and friends. Although ‘Arfaan will be a bit anxious about swimming next week. Hmm. We’ll see about that. Also his bff is no longer in school (moved to Dubai) so he was quite sad. Hope he will get over that soon. ‘Aaqil is coping well as usual. I didnt get to take picture with him on the morning of first day. The moment I settled ‘Arfaan at his class ‘Aaqil already move to his classroom.

selfie laju2 masa pickup petang

Well done boys. Lets make this ‘final year’ in NCBIS (Cairo that is) the best and full of fun memories insyaAllah