Goodbye Teachers

A day before the last day of school, ‘Aaqil told me he wanted to get something for Ms Imam, his class teacher. But its already 3pm and we are on our way back home and he has yet to pray zohor yada yada… So I told him why dont you make something as a farewell gift like a card or something. He didnt respond back as he still thinking of getting that “Best Teacher Award” trophy that he saw at the Party Station shop few months ago.

Later that evening after maghrib, he was really quite in his room few mins later he showed me he made a ‘farewell card’ for both Ms Imam & Mrs Eman (teacher assistant). Awww melts my heart. It was a work in progress but i can already see his sincerity. He made it with all his heart. All the words came from his heart. ‘Arfaan also joined the bandwagon – he made one card each for Ms Elaine, Ms Hannah & Ms Sophia all his Reception teachers for REH class.

Back in the days, every farewell at school I would try to make it a point to give some tokens to the teachers – a sign of thank you for all the guidance and care and love they have showered our kids, semoga ilmu berkat. But this time around I truly feel something from the kids themselves would mean the world for them teachers. And also coz theyre big enough to make something special rather than some random gift at shop.

From ‘Arfaan

‘Aaqil made few pages – the first two with his wishes and the remaining pages with his doodles. And last page he said he managed to get some of his classmates to put their signature on, before handing it to his teachers.

My sweet boy

The next morning i packed some chocs and oreos for them to give to their teachers, together with each letters.

One special thing about this school is the same teacher will teach all core subjects ie Primary – Maths, English ie Reading&Writing, Topic and same goes to Reception. And this teacher wont be teaching other classes. Their focus is on these 20 students for the whole year. Hence the bond they have with these kids and vice versa was very close. Anything they will mengadu to this class lead. For non core subjects eg Drama, PE, Music itll be the same teacher for all year groups.

Last day of school, ‘Aaqil cried so bad during pick up. He said he will gonna miss Ms Imam. Sobs.