Its the final week of Reception for ‘Arfaan and Y5 for ‘Aaqil. The reports of achievement also issued. Allahumma baarik alaikk. They both did great masyAllah. Well considering been absence for more than a month due to covid and unplanned homeleave last year. Amazing boys.
The school also been very thoughtful. They arranged amazing activities for them kids approaching the year end ie summer break.
Celebration of learning (or back home we called ihtifal) were done in separate session for each year group. So for Reception it was held on the 19th and Year 5 was on the 26th. It was a very short and sweet session, only 1-2hrs considering it is weekdays and parents are working so its great and meaningful.

For Reception groups, there was performance from all 3 classes. ‘Arfaan was very excited about his performance. His class performed some poetry basket and Rocky Mountain song. Afterwards, the whole were invited for Hokey Pokey song and dance. There were also short video of kids pictures for whole year. All were invited for a picnic at respected classes. Weather was quite hot so we just eat in their class hhehe

For Year 5, the kids have to select one scholar to be presented in their final year project. They did this under Topic subject entitled Baghdad the House of Wisdom. ‘Aaqil chose alKhawarizmi the father of Maths as his scholar. It s amazing to see them kids really put their effort and passion into it. Us parents got to visit and listen to their creations. MasyaAllah. Such an opportunity for our kids to experience this first hand. ‘Aaqil did amazing as usual. Couldn’t be prouder.
There also arab sweets and drinks served for the parents at the corner of the hall. The session last for only an hour, then we took some pictures and thats it. Short sweet and really intimate. We had fun get to know other kids and parents too.
This week has been very hectic. With water plays, birthday parties, kids bringing back all school stuff (hahaha). Good job my boys!! Now lets gear up for Year 1 and Year 6!!