Anak Soleh

Hello 2022! Hehe. Rindunya la nak post kat sini. Just realized so many things happen but I kept on delaying the updates in ig nor blog then in the end no post at all. Boo

Lets start of with what happen yesterday. Otw back from school ‘Aaqil casually told me that he performed his zuhr prayer with Raef. That was the first time I heard this name. So nak dijadikan cerita, Raef ni mmg satu kelas dan kawan football ‘Aaqil. Cuma baru minggu lepas ‘Aaqil berborak dan rapat dengan Raef.

Apparently this boy tanya ‘Aaqil solat zohor tak. And bila dia tau ‘Aaqil solat, dia kata dia nak ikut. So ‘Aaqil ajak la dia sekali ke library masa lunch break and they solat together. My heart just melts. Feels like all the reminders (or was it nags?) to find time to solat, dont forget your sejadah, ask teacher where can you solat etc membuahkan hasil… masyaAllah. I can see that he no longer feel like performing zuhr at school alone, is a hassle. Alhamdulillah we are in a muslim country. Only that this is an international hence performing prayer is uncommon. Moga Allah tetapkan hati anak ummi utk solat anywhere, any condition. A lesson to us as adults too.

Now that Zuhr is longer (winter almost over) so he can pray at home once back from school. But I encouraged him to zuhr at school during break so that he doesnt have to rush once arrive home (only 20mins to shower and solat until ‘Zuhr time is over)..

Thank you ‘Aaqil for teaching us the meaning being a good muslim. I know it is hard to have the courage to ask your teacher, and everyday to take wudhu and bring your sejadah to library alone – and then perform zuhr alone. Haza min fadhli rabbi..

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