Covid Happened

Yes it happened but all is well now alhamdulillah. So much to tell but anyways will sum up based on each one of us la kan senang sikit.

Husband : the first one to get covid (i think, based on symptoms). started with fever which lasted for 3days mcmtu. Then followed by strong cough. He actually had 4 diff cough syrups – coz nothing seemed to work. Tussistop, Breacol, Cough Rest and Ultrasolv. Basically the third one did most of the work as it put him to sleep. The first one was prescribed by the Covid doctor but after few rounds hmmm the cough got worsen(??). His cough lasted for almost 2 weeks. The 2nd week we decided to start natural remedies ie hot honey lemon + hot boiled water with cloves. 2x daily. And bottomless warm water w honey in his water bottle. Pity my husband as he still needs to work (wfh) with covid and all. Boleh tak in lieu itu MC semua 🥲 Alhamdulillah the cough just went away after 2 weeks of intense meds+remedies.

‘Aaqil : he’s the first to recover. Demam 2 hari satu malam je no batuk no running nose. Oh ada hilang deria bau lepas baik demam. Rasa mknn ok lagi. Thing about ‘Aaqil is he really misses school and outside world. He lost his appetite (i think) coz he barely finish his meal each time. He didnt tambah his nasi like he used to. Maybe becoz of the loss of taste which he didnt noticed?

‘Arfaan : demam, batuk, selsema. Demam prolong sikit mungkin sebab dia ada batuk selsema yg degil nak baik. Tapi budak ni suka makan ubat so takde masalah. Air madu cengkih pun dia suka. So i made him drink the ‘potion’ everyday macam walid. Also Ultrasolv really works like magic. Terus hilang semua batuk kahak alhamdulillah. Soalan lepas baik adalah bila boleh makan aiskrim niii haha

Me : demam, sakit kepala. Fever lasted more than 3 days. I think because the first few days I took only half dose of pcm. Then i cudnt tahan the yoyo fever so i took full dose and alhamdulillah the fever gone after 2 days. The zombie mode was one of the hge diff from other fever I experienced before. You feel like youre okay but you still like in a cloud somewhere up there. Haha. But it fully gone after a week or so. Lost smell and taste on the day I did my pcr (positive). So i knew the result before it came out lol. Got back my smell and taste after a week alhamdulillah

‘Atiyyah : this one right here got her first fever ever due to covid. Boo covid. So it was a bit hard on her as its her first fever since born. Fever lasted for 5 days plus no appetite then we called up another tabibi. He said her throat was inflamed so doc prescribed her with Maxilase and cont pcm. After 3days no change still 40c. So we insist to get her thorough checkup. Another drama as we are still on quarantine but we need to get her to emergency pronto. At first we plan to go with everyone in the car and to usual hospital ie Queens Hosp. BUT as we are still considered positive, we are required to wear full ppe as our driver is not covid and he needs to be protected. After few phonecalls, we decided to minimise the risk so only husband with ‘Atiyyah going and we changed to a covid hospital somewhere at Nasr City – Dar al Fouad Hospital. No blood taken btw. Just checked her lung (it was clear alhamdulillah). Cut story short the doc there prescribed her with a general antibiotic ie Zithrokan. Her fever went off just by taking the first dose. And shes fully recover and got back her appetite after few days alhamdulillah. Oh her runny nose also gone.

It was crazy roller coaster ride with covid. The moment you think you are done, then temp went up again. Or your cough getting worse. You thought you got the right meds, but the fever still high up. We have our best days. And we have our worst. Worst was when we learned that my husband was positive. We literally fighting the covid – ensure kids temp below 37.5. Sponging. Shower in the middle of the night.

Handling household who are all down with covid was very humbling. A lot to be thankful for. So here goes my gratitude lists;

  1. We both already fully vaccinated. In fact just imagine I had my 2nd dose on 3rd Oct and this all happen 3wks after. Allahuakbar
  2. ‘Atiyyah able to eat anything including normal rice. She no longer had stomach bug like when she was 7-11months old. It couldve been worse if covid came when she was smaller. MasyaAllah
  3. This happened when the boys are on school break. So less days of ponteng. And importantly we managed the covid within our household only not affecting other kids (at least)
  4. We have amazing Malaysian neighbours who sent us food. And offered to buy us groceries alhamdulillah. Also helped us to get meds at pharmacy
  5. We have amazing driver cum personal assistant 😂 who helped us with groceries every other days. Also when we run out of cash. Pick up our food deliveries. Taking care of husband’s offices thingy. Run errands.
  6. We missed the boys photo session at school for their year book but the school will do another session (today) for those absent kids. Only thing that a bit off was their class photo – that needs to be photoshopped later huhu

We had a thought that its just a matter of time that we experienced covid first hand as the viruses still out there and we are out and about – kids at school, weekend outing, vacation, husband at office… so we redha. Kami redha dengan ujian ini dan harapnya ini pertama dan terakhir. And nobody wud have to go through this ordeal like us did. Amiin

Now where to celebrate tonight? First outing after SEVENTEEN days🍦🍦

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