Harini our baby gurl ‘Atiyyah genap sebelas bulan. MasyaAllah pantas betul masa berlalu. Lagi sebulan dah umo setahun!
I must say that she is relatively different from her abangs. Well of course la sebab girl kan. Lepas tu rezeki dia ummi dpt hands on jaga dia day and night. Alhamdulillah atas aturanNya 🙂
Lets sum up her milestones. Gigi dah ada 4btg, 2 atas 2 bawah. Atas ada gigi baru nak tumbuh tapi belum full lagi. Hehe. Semalam timbang berat ‘Atiyyah dah 8.2kg. Well a lil bit underweight (I think) walaupun pakai baby girl chart. She is not that chubby baby compares to her brothers when theyre at her age but its okay. As long as she is active, sleeps well, bfeed well and milestones on track nothing else matters. You can be chubbier later when youre bigger kayh.
‘Atiyyah boleh wave goodbye. Clap her hands when shes happy. Kalau baca doa adia akan buat gaya ‘amiiin’ sapu muka hehe. Kalau kita sebut ‘habis’ dia akan buat gaya tangan (both hands) habissss. If we say ‘hello’ she will put her hand on her ear. Awwwh
She can say few words eg Dah, Nak. Can understand ‘nak susu?’ Or ‘jom’
Her fav food are puree. Sweet potatoes, carrot, pumpkin, spinach, chicken. (So far) not a big fan of Broccoli, meat, salmon. Still no chunky porridge huhu as she will choke hmmmm. Her tummy will reject rice, or anything with wheat flour (we think) as she will vomit after 2-3hrs consuming those. We will try again in few months timw. Maybe shes just not ready yet.
Recently she loves to climb the sofa and her ‘cage’. She now begins to crawl more than just belly crawl. Alhamdulillah. Perhaps will be on foot earlier than her brothers? Hehe. Coz shes a bit hardcore and adventurous compared to the brothers. ‘Arfaan dulu seingat ummi sgtlah graceful and slowmo and sopan. ‘Atiyyah suka redah dan lagi org halang lagi dia buat. Haha. Baby 2020 niiii
Counting days to your first birthday babygorlll ❤️