Khatam Iqra’

Alhamdulillah today ‘Arfaan achieved another milestone. He just completed his Iqra’ and now can move to Muqaddam/Juz ‘Amma.

Just in time before he starts school. For keepsake, we started the journey casually when I was still on my maternity leave back in Nov. So basically if you spend 15mins average daily for 10months, youre able to complete all 1-6 iqra’ inshaAllah biiznillah

one of his early sessions – 17 Nov 2020
last page today *abaikan pakaian tak patuh syariah 🤣*

Few tips (this might not work for other kids though but hopefully its helpful);

  1. If the child loves to watch TV or play gadgets or anything they cant do without, use that as a reward
  2. The first 5-10mins are precious. Get their attention
  3. Limit to one page a day (iqra 1-2) & halfpage/day (3-6)
  4. There is 30page/iqra hence total of 180pages. Thats 36wks if you do one page daily, minus weekends
  5. Encourage other siblings to read Quran/Iqra at the same time – healthy competition, yes? 😜
  6. Keep the momentum ie never miss a day especially during the first 2 iqra’ – intro to huruf hijaiyyah
  7. Give reward for each book completed
Iqra yg byk berjasa

Alhamdulillah moga ‘Arfaan terus istiqamah dgn Quran dan hiasi peribadi dgn akhlaq alQuran amiiin.

‘Arfaan & New School

My handsome and clever yet clingy lil boy will be going to school soon. I mean this Sunday, my oh my. Gonna miss his presence at home. So its been almost 6months since his last ‘schooling’ experience i hope he will do just fine adapting.

Always keep on reminding him that nobody will understand you if you converse in malay haha so we occasionally will practice simple conversations in english. So far so good.

Mula2 dia mcm reluctant sikit bila bagitau dia akan gi skool. Maybe coz he’s so used to staying at home no need to wake up early for school etc. But after some time he likes the idea and really put an effort to the vid that we need to submit to the school as part of admission requirements.

behind the scene

We need to submit few videos ie writing letters, recognising shapes, counting 1-20, reading story book & organise a simple jigsaw puzzle. It was such a breeze shooting the videos alhamdulillah. Funny thing was we only noticed that he can actually read his fav Famous Five series on his own – although not 100% correct in pronunciation. He also amazed that he can read lol. All the while we only use Ladybird KeyWord cards for english. So i guess it eventually helped him in reading, alhamdulillah haza min fadhli rabbi

this cheeky boy ughh

Last week we did some ‘back to school’ shopping. Getting him his school uniforms, new shoes, backpack, tumbler and bekas for bekal later on. He’s so excited about going back to school and hopefully this momentum will be up high throughout the year amiiin!!! He will be in Reception class for Yr21/22 btw. Thats a the year before entering Year 1.

May Allah keep you safe. May Allah protect you from bad people or bad influences. May Allah surround you with only good friends and teachers. Hope you are happy meeting new friends learning new things. Which your walid and I didnt get the chance when we were kids he he

11 bulan

Harini our baby gurl ‘Atiyyah genap sebelas bulan. MasyaAllah pantas betul masa berlalu. Lagi sebulan dah umo setahun!

I must say that she is relatively different from her abangs. Well of course la sebab girl kan. Lepas tu rezeki dia ummi dpt hands on jaga dia day and night. Alhamdulillah atas aturanNya 🙂

Lets sum up her milestones. Gigi dah ada 4btg, 2 atas 2 bawah. Atas ada gigi baru nak tumbuh tapi belum full lagi. Hehe. Semalam timbang berat ‘Atiyyah dah 8.2kg. Well a lil bit underweight (I think) walaupun pakai baby girl chart. She is not that chubby baby compares to her brothers when theyre at her age but its okay. As long as she is active, sleeps well, bfeed well and milestones on track nothing else matters. You can be chubbier later when youre bigger kayh.

‘Atiyyah boleh wave goodbye. Clap her hands when shes happy. Kalau baca doa adia akan buat gaya ‘amiiin’ sapu muka hehe. Kalau kita sebut ‘habis’ dia akan buat gaya tangan (both hands) habissss. If we say ‘hello’ she will put her hand on her ear. Awwwh

She can say few words eg Dah, Nak. Can understand ‘nak susu?’ Or ‘jom’

occasionally she will do this 🤣

Her fav food are puree. Sweet potatoes, carrot, pumpkin, spinach, chicken. (So far) not a big fan of Broccoli, meat, salmon. Still no chunky porridge huhu as she will choke hmmmm. Her tummy will reject rice, or anything with wheat flour (we think) as she will vomit after 2-3hrs consuming those. We will try again in few months timw. Maybe shes just not ready yet.

ummi loves u

Recently she loves to climb the sofa and her ‘cage’. She now begins to crawl more than just belly crawl. Alhamdulillah. Perhaps will be on foot earlier than her brothers? Hehe. Coz shes a bit hardcore and adventurous compared to the brothers. ‘Arfaan dulu seingat ummi sgtlah graceful and slowmo and sopan. ‘Atiyyah suka redah dan lagi org halang lagi dia buat. Haha. Baby 2020 niiii

Counting days to your first birthday babygorlll ❤️

Starbucks Areb

Since 2017 I got hooked with Starbucks coz thats the only coffee shop that I can easily grab my breakfast before going up to my office (when I was stationed at one of engineering consultant office in KL) if I didnt manage to stop by any kuih or nasi lemak stall nak cepat punya pasal.

Since then I need to have their drink at leastttt once a week. Boo. Plus they have this prepaid and rewards system so its getting worse. Mind you im not a coffee drinker. Hence I would go for their frappucino, iced macchiato or any choc drinks. Dont usually buy the normal coffee (without sugar) lol.

This venti (large) Iced Choc is EGP50 ie RM13

Bila sampai sini, sis tak sangka kat Egypt ni ada Starbucks (baca : banyak) dan harga relatively cheaper from the one back home. Contohnya kalau harga grande size Signature Iced Choc RM16 (ye?) kat 🇲🇾, kat sini baru RM11 lepas convert. So bahaya jugak sebenarnya sbb in the end cumulatively spend a lot on their drinks 😅

Also you can find lots of hipster cafes and coffee shops here in New Cairo (not sure at other districts though) so for those coffee drinkers who love cafe hopping, this might be your ‘heaven’ on earth! 🤩

For me I would just stick to Starbucks though – not that adventurous in that ‘coffee department’ hehheheh

Eczema Baby?

After we came back from Marsa Alam, ‘Atiyyah’s dry patch near her lips became reddish and flares up. Here I show you pic before Marsa Alam and few days after we came back.

otw to Marsa Alam – dry patch on right cheek
patch getting larger and itchier by days

Hence we didnt know what triggered the redness. If its the weather/humidity, its been hot since June. And the weather is dry since forever in Egypt 🥲

Since its getting worse, we applies earth mama to restore moisture however it didnt help the flares at bay. We opt for Ceradan but still na ah. No improvement. In fact yesterday there were additional red bumps. Not sure whether it infected other areas or just bug bites huhu. Alhamdulillah only on her cheek and not on other part of her body, syukur.

Meds we use so far. Got Tarolimus from the pharmacy here which is equiv to Protopic 1% back home 🇲🇾

Felt so helpless especially at night as she will scratch her face til bleed sobs.

Today’s photo. Criess

Will keep update on her progress here inshaallah for future reference. Or for those who are battling eczema or the likes. May Allah grant her shifa’…

My doa is for Allah to ease her pain, to give us guidance to find the cure. Ujian dari Allah setelah berjuta nikmat Dia beri, kami redha 😌🤲🏼