Alhamdulillah today ‘Arfaan achieved another milestone. He just completed his Iqra’ and now can move to Muqaddam/Juz ‘Amma.
Just in time before he starts school. For keepsake, we started the journey casually when I was still on my maternity leave back in Nov. So basically if you spend 15mins average daily for 10months, youre able to complete all 1-6 iqra’ inshaAllah biiznillah
Few tips (this might not work for other kids though but hopefully its helpful);
- If the child loves to watch TV or play gadgets or anything they cant do without, use that as a reward
- The first 5-10mins are precious. Get their attention
- Limit to one page a day (iqra 1-2) & halfpage/day (3-6)
- There is 30page/iqra hence total of 180pages. Thats 36wks if you do one page daily, minus weekends
- Encourage other siblings to read Quran/Iqra at the same time – healthy competition, yes? 😜
- Keep the momentum ie never miss a day especially during the first 2 iqra’ – intro to huruf hijaiyyah
- Give reward for each book completed
Alhamdulillah moga ‘Arfaan terus istiqamah dgn Quran dan hiasi peribadi dgn akhlaq alQuran amiiin.