Daging Kicap Pedas Waghih

Sejak barang shipping sampai (baca: stok kicap dah banyak), dah 2x masak menu ni. Kalau tidak asik catu je kicap ahhaha. So sementelah baru masak tadi dan menjadi rasa almost macam mak punya, maka marilah kita lock resipi kat sini moga menjadi asbab rujukan di masa hadapan kalau2 terlupa 🥲

Jap tepek gambar hasil hehe. Presentinggggg….

makan ni tak sah kalau tak tambah 3x

So here goes,

  • 1kg daging lembu (rebus hingga empuk)
  • 5bj bawang merah
  • 3bj bawang putih
  • 2inch halia
  • 1tbsp halba
  • 2tbsp cili kering blend
  • 1tbsp kerisik
  • 1 senduk cuka buatan
  • 3 senduk kicap manis
  • Garam secukup rasa

Cara nak masak senang sangat. Tumis je bwg2 dan halia bersama halba. Bila dah layu sikit, masukkan cili blend. Masak sampai pecah minyak. Kemudian masukkan daging empuk bersama air rebusan. Haaa air rebusan ni takat tinggi daging tu je jangan byk sangat air sampai daging berenang. Nnt kuah jadi cair. Lepastu masukkan semua bahan2 lain incl garam. Kicap dan cuka tu pastikan pakai senduk yg sama, ratio 3:1. Macam tadi saya pakai senduk 20ml cmtu. So masak sampai mesra dlm 15-20min renihkan.

Tips : lauk ni sedap pekat2. dulu pernah ekjas cuka n kicap sampai ceroi n daging berenang tak ummph sangat. So ratio cili, air rebusan, kicap n cuka tu mmg kena ngam gtu. Lagi satu, lauk ni lagi lama simpan lagi sedap. Kalau nak makan esok, masak hari ni. Macam asam pedas or laksa. Tapi tu la emmm selalu masak hari tu jgk dah habis sebab fav suami anak2. Next time kita buat 2kg daging ek. Ala2 rendang gtu hehe

Hope geng waghih den dpt cuba lah resepi ni kut jadi ke tak macam yg arwah uwan Zainon selalu masak masa kita kecik2 dulu hehe

Notakaki : balik cuti mesia nnt kena stock up byk2 kerisik sebab fav sis sekarang masak (n makan) menu ni atau rendang haha

Geng Jalan Kaki

Sejak awal bulan lepas dapat satu rutin baru setiap pagi Sabtu. Dengan geng mommies CFC hehe ie Min & Faz. Brisk walking at 5am. Boleh la kira ni 5am club eh lol

Usually we will end at 7am at Starbucks. Get some drinks. Self reward kununnya

Unfortunately I left my Iwatch at Malaysia (boo) so have to stick to Strava apps in my phone fer now. Tq husband for assisting and the support especially for taking care of the kids while im busy walking 😅

our usual route.this was today

Of late its getting hotter so we decided to start at 4.30am. Memang by 6 tu dah panas terik huhu

Normally memang takde orang and kereta pun sampai la kul 7 baru start ramai sikit manusia.

so nice eh the clouds

Tips for beginners like me ;

  1. Wear comfortable attire
  2. Know your limits. If you cant run just walk for few sessions first
  3. Find walk/run buddy
  4. Install strava or any apps of the likes for you to keep up w momentum
  5. Get yourself a fitbit/any health tracking smartwatch (if got budget la but i think now got many cheap options that can do the job)
  6. Bring water bottle so that you wont get easily dehydrated

Harapnya istiqamah la ye. Bukan untuk kurus atau apa. Tapi utk my fitness journey as a whole. Lagipun takde target apa pun. Start small ie walking je. Also sanity sebab me time jugak utk mak2. Hehe

Eid Trip : Marsa Alam

We had a great time at Marsa Alam last weekend! Twas a 4d3n summer beach vacation. In fact that was our first summer beach experience. Sebelum ni tak pernah (rasanya) melancong ke obesi pada musim panas. Ye lah Malaysia pun dah panas sepanjang tahun kan. So bila merasa actual summer lepastu pergi beach some more memang feeling dia wahhh camni ke haha

The plan was quite last minute. We were contemplating between few tourist spots namely Alexendaria, Fayoum, Luxor, Sharm el Sheikh…. Finally we decided to go for beach vacation as our kids (and us adults) didnt get enough snorkeling back in Hurghada haha. So Marsa Alam it is! Why not Sharm? Coz we dont have proper vehicle so think next time lah if ada rezeki.

Initially we planned for 2nights but last timw at Hurghada twas too short so this time around we add another night. Luckily it was Eid Adha and office close for whole week, yay!

We found a hotel where we can snorkel right from the beach and the coral reef are reachable from sea shore! Alhamdulillah. So no need for boat ride which will burn the the whole day of back and forth to reach the coral reef area (burn pocket too haha). However lesson learned from last trip, we need to bring our own snorkeling gears ie from the right shoes/fins up until life jackets! Tips : you can find almost everything at Decathlon. Seriously. Burn our pockets but inshaallah will minimise the risk of covid (or hygiene) via rental. Well the price was not that bad though, approx EGP2k/pax for full gears – thats RM500/pax. Life jacket, snorkeling gears & proper shoes/fins.

penuh satu troli hikhik

7hrs journey from Cairo to Marsa Alam. Plus minus rnr bagai jadilah 9jam lebih. Kami bertolak lepas late breakfast, right after husband’s 2nd Sinovac dose. 11am departed and arrived hotel at about 7.30pm with 2 stops for solat and makan. We potluck some pasta and i mad rendang w nasi impit hehe fefeeling raya. Oh btw we arrived back in Cairo malam raya ie the whole day of Arafah Day was Marsa Alam – Cairo.

Rendang daging nogoghi w nasi impit y
Thats the route

Our hotel named Albatros. The room was nice. Got one king bed and 2 single bed. There was 12 of us and we took 4 rooms. We were upgraded to suite btw. Thats the perk of booking in group i think. We got room next to each other. On average, price per pax is RM500, all inclusive ie with bfast, lunch & dinner! Okla kan utk 4 hari. Plus its 5stars hotel (katanyalah). Mmg kat Malaysia susah nak dpt deal mcm ni. Huhu

Albatros ni ada banyak gila pool. Dari secetek2 sampai la ke 1.5m dalam. Macam2 jenis. Ada yg besar, ada yg betul2 dpn bilkk kami, ada yg berslide, ada yang bergazebo. Best gila ok. Cuma yg lemah nya tmpt makan jauh sikit dari bilik nak kena menapak dan time summer bawak baby lagi la terasa. Sebab tu dok berzikir nak repeat once autumn nanti hehe. Moga ada rezeki amiiin

bawak jua feeding set ‘atiyyah.malangnya pumpkin tu lembik rosak bila sampai huhu
add babycot for free mmg terbaek
pantai cantik gila very instaworthy lol

Covidwise the hotel didnt jaga SOP. Mask pun staff tak pakai. Apatah lagi tourists. Most of the customers are non Egyptians smua mat saleh dari german russia (we think). Masa kitorg baru sampai bermask bagai semua org pandangggg je macam kitorg ni bwk penyakit huhu sabar je la. No mask, no social distancing so pakat jaga diri sendiri je la. Whole time i recited doa wabak moga Allah lindungi kami semua…

‘Aaqil spend his everyday there in the sun. He literally lives in his swimsuit except at night hahaha

Kids had fun in the sun. ‘Aaqil practice with his snorkeling gear even in the pool. He loves snorkeling tak sangka. Good thing that he became brave-er in the water than before. Mana tak nya sepanjang hari dlm air. Ada hari tu dari 8am turun pool. Pastu kuar kejap je lunch tepi pool. Sambung snorkel. Kul 6pm baru masuk bilik. Rentung. Haha.

Yours truly had fun too ❤️

Me and husband took turn snorkeling as we have babies to take care of. Alhamdulillah right before my turn tu husband found a shop which sells the phone holder utk bwk masuk air tu. So I brought along during snorkeling. Perfect. Cumaaaaa we forgot to bring roti along so ikan2 semua lalu lalang je tak berkumpul pon haha. Tapi seronok je. Sejak time Hurghada tu sis kempunan nak snorkel akhirnya impian tercapai. Tq suami kerana memahamj. Happy wife happy life eh ❤️

ni masa air surut, tiap pagi kami pi tgk sunrise hehe

Me and kak Ammal tried out their hammam. First time sis try hammam. Paling best jakuzi la. Massage by the arabs. Siap tanya you want soft medium or hard. I chose medium. I dont fancy massage but the areb did great. Tak sakit pon.

Ok think thats all. Nah minilove for you Marsa Alam. Thank you for the memories. Will definitely come again (once I got my 2 doses of vaccines, amiin)… ❤️