‘Aaqil’s New Chapter

Khamis lepas 24 Jun adalah hari terakhir ‘Aaqil di Year 4, alhamdulillah. Start sekolah 1 Jun hari tu tapi asik tangguh nak blog about it hehe. Sampai habis term dah pun.

Kisah nak register sekolah ni panjang. Encik suami yang buat dari register online sampai lah ke beli uniform etc. Alhamdulillah dipermudahkan. Untuk kemasukan ke sekolah NCBIS ni, salah satu requirement adalah cikgu sekolah lama kena fill up an evaluation form in order to proceed wit application. And mind you this is between schools and we were not in the loop so that the previous school will give unbiased assessment.

Settle application, bayar utk assessment then – ‘Aaqil has to make an essay without any guidance and help. Few days later, online assessment soalan berbentuk IQ, english, maths. Hah masa ni kena on video sekali sebab nak make sure takde bantuan dari luar hehe. So kitorg tinggalkan ‘Aaqil sorang2 dalam bilik sampailah settle.

Alhamdulillah in less than a week rasanya dpt offer. Phew. Pastu tak habis lagi. Kena buat registration payment dulu barulah boleh dpt date admission. 1 June lah tarikh hari pertama ‘Aaqil bersekolah di New Cairo British International School, NCBIS. Jarak dalam 15min dari rumah kami.

Posing hari pertama

Alhamdulillah ‘Aaqil sangat mudah sesuaikan diri. Berkat banyak kali pindah sekolah dan bertukar tempat agaknya. Kat Al Amin dulu pun tukar kelas tiap tahun. Siapa sangka kan pengalaman lepas utk bg dia bersedia utk kat Cairo ni.

Kalau nak diikutkan serba serbi lain kat sekolah baru ni. Dari cikgu, subjek, silibus, sistem, kawan2, cuaca, bahasa….sebab tu rasa kagum ‘Aaqil takde masalah malah sangat positif. Mungkin sebab dah lama sangat tak dapat attend sekolah fizikal.

Paling ketara silibus Maths yang sangat advance. In Year 4 they already learned about angles, surface area, symmetry etc. English pulak ada pecah kpd guided reading, spelling & writing. Ada jugak kelas Music, Drama, PE, Science. Utk 3rd language ‘Aaqil ambil Arabic sebab sebelum ni kat Msia pun dah belajar Arab.

Parents waiting area

Lainnya sekolah ni tak pakai buku teks. So tiap hari tanya ‘Aaqil hari ni belajar apa lol. Bagitau dia kalau tak faham apape tanya teacher. Kalau segan, tulis pastu bwk balik tanya kat kami. Tapi so far semuanya ok. Cikgu pun kata dia ok.

Hari terakhir ambil ‘Aaqil kat sekolah sempat jumpa his class lead, Mr Trevor. Kira guru kelas la. He gave positive feedbacks on ‘Aaqil and told me not to worry about Year 5 as ‘Aaqil is on the right track. Coz i did asked him for syllabus summary of Year 4 since ‘Aaqil already missed 2 terms huhu. We also received a 2 page summary on ‘Aaqil’s performance for each subjects. Overall he did great and no issue on any subjects alhamdulillah.

Dear ‘Aaqil, if youre reading this do know that we are proud of you and no matter how big and amazing youll become, we will always have your back. Thank you for being the amazing person that you are ❤️♥️

‘Arfaan & Reading

Alhamdulillah ‘Arfaan my 4 year old dah habis complete siri Bacalah Anakmu hingga buku ke-8 semalam! MasyaAllah Tabarakallah yg mengizinkan semua ini…

mukasurat terakhir ❤️

Sekadar rekod, ‘Arfaan mula belajar membaca di KSCC Presint 15. Mula dgn Bacalah Anakku 1. Teknik yg digunakan adalah phonic iaitu bunyi setiap huruf tu yg ditekankan spt a beh ceh deh eh feh… once dah dpt tangkap fonic ni, inshaallah lepas tu senang nak belajar. Thats what i observed from ‘Arfaan. Hikmah jadi stay at home mom di musim covid ni dapat merasa first hand teaching my kindy boy yg selalunya tugas cikgu tadika. Barulah tau karenah anak kecil ni belajar kan. Kadang2 mode hulk tu keluar ya🥲

Masa bulan Mac yang lepas (tiba di Cairo) ‘Arfaan dah di buku 4 rasanya. Kemudian baca setiap hari tanpa gagal – motivasi dia ofcos la reward tgk tv. So sebelum tgk tv kena baca Bacalah Anakku & Iqra’ – itu house rules. Maksudnya tak mustahil anak kecik ni boleh membaca dalam masa 6bulan kan. Konsisten penting supaya momentum tu ada.

apparently he loves the flashcard concept. sukarela susun2 dan belajar lepas terjumpa dalam almari #mogaistiqamah

Lepas ni kita santai2 baca English words pulak. Kebetulan terbeli flashcards LadyBird ni di Shoppee bulan Okt last year. Boleh isi masa sementara nak tunggu masuk skool bulan 8 nanti. Goodluck ‘Arfaan!

Belly Crawling

Thats my princess ‘Atiyyah has been busy doing since more than a week ago. And of late she is more of an explorer rather just to catch her toys or stuff. She will be everywhere the minute you put her on the floor. Alhamdulillah for this milestone.

That thinking invisible cap

This is our 3 rd child but only now we noticed the importance of tummy time because before this we only ‘have’ the babies during night time and weekends (working parents 😌). So we took for granted the needs to not ‘tie’ them. Instead we have to let them explore in order to strengthen their limbs arms and legs. We learned in the hard way as we realised that she was a bit behind than her brothers in terms of milestone. Now i only put her on rocker when I need to go to the toilet or when sometimes to get her sleep longer.

Switches and sockets are my favs

Grow stronger and healthier sayang ❤️🌹

Good Fuego Time

Yesterday we had an awesome sushi fix at one of the urban-est mall in Cairo 😂 O1 Mall. Twas an impromptu selection as usual, every Thurs nite we just want to try out new dine place – hehe.

This place called Fuègo Grill and Sushi. Some pics of last nite. Kenyang sampai tersandar. As usual bwk balik la leftovers ada pasta dan sushis tak habis hehe

table setting 100 marks

Price wise a bit on high side. Approx 20LE/pc. But mana2 pun sushi mmg camtu la harga kan. Even sushi kat Japan pun lebih kurang gitu. Tapi sushi kat sini saiz besarrrrr. Like double the size of Sushi King’s. So berbaloi la ek.

Medium rare beef steak with sides. Nyums
‘Arfaan with his spontaneous pose ❤️
Sushi rolls and temaki
Salmon galore 💯 Sashimi the best!

Oh ada soups jugak. Ala2 tomyam seafood. Sedappp. Dalam tu ada fresh prawns and squids. Must repeat! Apparently miso soup pulak unavailable.

I’ll rate 4/5 stars for the food service and ambiance. Kurang satu star utk harga 😆