…for the first time. Nope not fever. It was something else which we never experienced with the two boys.
It all started after I cooked lunch the other day. Last Wed to be exact. She was crying for more than 15mins at living hall (as usual) while I was at the kitchen and I quickly went to get her. Brought her to our room to calm her down (read : bfeed), thats when she vomited. A.LOT.
I’ve experienced this with ‘Aaqil before so I thought well she will be okay coz ‘Aaqil was okay when he vomited milk about her age jugak.
Asked ‘Aaqil to help me with the vomit ie took the nearest blanket whilst I changed myself and put ‘Atiyyah to shower as we both covered with vomit.
She was okay during shower and nothing to be alarmed of. All fresh, I brought her to the hall back and try to bfeed her again and she vomited for the 2nd time. Clueless.
So I tried bfeed her while laying on bed (much calmer I thought) and she finally asleep alhamdulillah. She woke up 2x during sleep and as usual I bfeed her to put her to sleep again. After half an hour she woke up and I carried her up from bed thats when she vomited for the 3rd time and it was A LOT! So I thought okay maybe she coz she didnt burped just now.
The aftermath of this 3rd vomit was really worrying. She became so weak she didnt responded to her brothers she didnt even look into my eyes. Tembus je. Ok masa ni sis dah panik. Terus tukar cakap melayu ni tskk
Called my husband ask him to come back coz I dont feel good about her. Masa tu pk nak call my mom la supaya ‘Atiyyah respon sikit. So vid call my mom. Mak agah ‘Atiyyah tapi dia bolayan je. Mata dia dah kuyu dan dia seakan2 nak lelap. Huhu panik masa ni. My mom and adik2 pun tolong panggil nama ‘Atiyyah supaya dia tak terus lesu dan lembik.
Btw dia takde temp pun. Dedar pun tak. Muntah sahaja. She had Farleys biscuit je that morning and the rest was my milk. So i was quite puzzled.
Cut stoey short, my husband said he’s otw back. Then Suhaib my brother hes a doctor vid called me. He knew from my family back home that ‘Atiyyah was unwell. So he said ‘Atiyyah looks normal. Tapi masa tgh borak2 tu ‘Atiyyah nye mata naik ke atas mcm tgh drowsy n kepala dia lembik. I shouted her name nak makesure she didnt sleep. Masa tu zikir je. My bro said tlg bwk dia pegi emergency. That was the first time sepanjang being a mom for the past 9yrs sbb tak pernah terjadi sebelum ni. Sambil dodoi n zikir tu, Suhaib still online but I couldnt focus anymore. Husband home (finally) and I passed her to him. I said we have to get ready and straight to emergency.
In less than 20mins we were already at Queens Royal Hosp New Cairo- husband’s colleague recommended this hosp specialized on mom child. ‘Aaqil and ‘Arfaan stayed in the car with our driver Moustafa (bless him).
After checking, doc said she’s not dehydrated yet. She might caught with stomach flu ie gastritis due to exposure to weather. We thought might be coZ the day before we were outdoor from morning til noon at the immigration office.
So the doc gave her an injection called Zofran and asked us to wait an hour before bfeed her again. Doc also prescribed her with these 2 meds which we have to get ourselves from pharmacy (same practice as in Turkey – circa 2013).
Alhamdulillah she was a lot better that night. She can bfeed without vomit after feeding. Can burp and fart like normal. That shows her system is working fine. Just that the Gastreg syrup caused her stool became a bit watery. After we discontinued the syrup (4x), everything back to normal. I also stopped her solid food til today just to ‘reset’ her stomach.
May Allah keep my kids safe and away from sickness. Memang memori pahit yg taknak lagi diulang ya Allah. My worst nightmare became true – having to bring my child to the hospital here during covid, but alhamdulillah it wasnt that bad. At least we know. Hope that was the first and last amiiiin…