Selepas hari ke14 berpantang baru lah penimbang ni dpt bateri. So kita pun timbang lah
Kaki pun dah hilang bengkak akhirnya
Alhamdulillah dah lebih 12kg hilang. Berkat gigih sauna hari2 😒 dan breastfeeding mungkin. Ada lagi 4kg nak turun supaya ada buffer utk makan byk lepas pantang 😆
Last timbang sebenarnya masa checkup 36wks, 65kg. Lepastu 38wks terus deliver so tatau berapa berat betul2 sebelum beranak
Moga segala inci terlebih ie spare tyre dapat berkurang berbaki 4mggu pantang ni (ya Allah lamanya lagi 🤦♀️)…dan dpt muat segala baju seluar lama…
Born at 12.26noon on 14th Sept 2020 (at 38wks) . Baby wawasan 2020 katanya hehe. Berat baby 3.18kg. Paling berat antara semua bayi2ku. Awalnya agak runsing sebab masa 36mggu berat baby dah 3kg. So kalau 38wks boleh jd 3.6kg kalau ikut trend oertambahan berat sebelum tu. Alhamdulillah just nice je berat melahirkan. Membesar kat luar je k sayang hehhee
Birth story kita cerita kat next entri ya. Today baby dah 12days. Ada lagi kuning. Bacaan tadi 216. But improving compared to few days back. Prolong macam abang2nya. Takpe ummi sedar ummi darah O mmg kena lalui wuuwuw. Asalkan kuat minum n berak ummi tak risau…
Alhamdulillah. Haza min fadhli rabbi. Now we are party-of-five! New adventure begins 💪
Alhamdulillah dah 36wks. Four (or less) more weeks to go inshaallah. I’ve been wanting to update on my monthly follow ups since my 30wks but as usual procrastination wins and 6wks later here I am 👻
Ok lets recap then. 30wks checkup was all about glucose and HB check. Not much concern on the ultrasound coz I was so nervous about going for MGTT. Yeah my first time. Masa preggy ‘Arfaan I was still below 35 so I got away with it. Dah anak no 3 ni baru merasa kikiki.
Left one is the glucose solution. Its like a very99999 thick sugar syrup
Wasnt that bad. One of my preggy friend gave a tips that you just drink in one shot so that you get over it the fastest possible. But I finished in 2 shots within 5secs. Not bad huh. Then I quickly drank the plain water given phewww. The test was in the morning at around 9.30am (blood test first) and I have to come back for another blood test 2hrs later. Then only went for gynae consultation (upon results out). Results? Glucose ok, alhamdulillah however my HB not so good. Gynae prescribed me with sangobion huhu. Also first time. Masa the boys semua tiptop walaupun culas mkn vits… i was much younger back then wuwuwuw. Oh, and baby’s head already kat bawah alhamdulillah…
On to 34wks checkup. Kali ni takde byk highlights. Cuma baby’s head macam senget sikit n duduk belah kanan. So Dr Seri kata jgn lasak2 sangat sbb risau air ketuban pecah awal. Eh suspen ok. So tiap kali nak bangun dari duduk time squat or time solat rasa risau waterbag pecah. Huhuhu.
Hello swelly feet
Gambar ni masa 35wks. Nightmare kaki bengkak bermula masa duduk lama dalam kereta time balik dari raya haji kat Baling. But the swell only lasted for 2days je. Last 2wks we moved to our new crib and my feet getting worse. Swollen yang tak surut. Eversince, I have to sleep with my feet up in the air… huhu. So uncomfortable especially afternoon til evening – the worst swell is during this period. Was worried it has something to do with pre eclampsia (hello doc google! 🤭)
So during 36 weeks checkup (last Wed), I showed my feet to Dr Seri. She said its normal yadayada coz your BP is normal , 125/82. But I pointed out that my normal non pregnancy BP was 90/60 she went hmmmmmmmmm. Then I asked (ceh macam aku yg doctor kahkah), my protein reading ok ke? my urine…? Dr Seri kata yup your urine clear takde masalah. So I lega la sebab bukan pre eclampsia. But she remind me to monitor my BP coz its relatively higher than usual. Guess its due to my office workload now and I cant sleep much at nite nowadays. Positions issue wuwuuw. Resulted to higher BP sobs…
Oh we got to see her face in ultrasound!! After 2 checkups dia sorok muka dia. Inshaallah the baby is a ‘she’. Rupa sape? Hmmm mcm takleh nak cam ikut 3d tu. Whatever it is, ummi risau nak push awak je sbb at 36wks you already 3kg! How now brown cow. And my weight 65.9kg kahkah. Secretly hoping that I’ll lose 10kg during delivery itself 🤭🤭 and another 10kg once finish confinement. Dream big babe. I have to fit to all my pre pregnancy clothes.
Oh did i tell you that I bought 3 diff corsets from Cakenis Curves. Moga rajinlah pakai masa pantang dan semoga badan kembali ke bentuk asal sebelum preggy kan ‘Aaqil. Again, dream big katanya. Ha ha
So thats all folks. I end the entry with a pic of my 36wks tummy ❤️
While waiting for my tapaued lunch. Am gonna miss pregnancies sobs