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Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 1441H – Maaf Zahir dan Batin dari kami sekelurga

Halfway There

Alhamdulillah i am now at 22wks pregnancy. Its been by far the toughest first trimester compared to the previous two. Just for memories sake, i jot down here some of the moments from the first trimester,

* vomitted especially at night. i was like potato and so lembik by the end of the day

* cant stand the smell or food of cooking hence no trip to the kitchen or any restaurant. we just grabfood everyday. sometimes husband cooked simple meal just for a change huu

* no food with onion. even with a hint of onion. no appetite for nasi campur as well. so i wud go for noodles or pasta or western meals

* my fav were infused lemon water, apples, watermelon, anything sour, rice porridge & roti bakar at PappaRich hehe

* cant stand the smell of my own body wash, our car’s air freshener. riding the car even for few minutes wud make me sick the whole day ;(

On top of the above, we are forever grateful and happy for this preganancy. It was unexpected. Unplanned.

In fact a month before we got pregnant, we did had an appointment with our specialist, Prof Zainul to discuss my plan for 3rd pregnancy which we target to be some time in Feb 2020. I told the doc that i had a haywire menses cycle for the past few months (since Aug 2019). My menses wud come every 23-25 days. Tak sempat pun 28 hari. So during the appointment he told us that theres no way that im able to conceive naturally because my cycle was too short. Something like my menses keluar dulu before the embryo able to menempel. Paham tak? Also I had problem with my tubes (due to my previous endo).

So thats why I (read : we) was quite surprised with the double line! It came when we least expected. Subhanallah. I tested via upt when my menses was 4 days delayed in January. We were both happy. But at the same time, puzzled. Is the sac in the womb? Will this be ectopic? Do i need to go through another procedure?

So the next day I texted Prof. He advised us to meet him the same day. He waited for us at his clinic. And we were the last patient! Kalau tak silap esoknya cuti panjang CNY so he worry if anything happen eg ectopic itll be messy.

We went straight to the ultrasound machine and there!!! Right there!! The sac is safely tucked in my uterus subhanallah 😭 It was an amazing feeling as weeks before we didnt expect this even a bit. Allah knows! Rahsia Allah! Even Prof pun takleh nak explain considering my tubes issue. Alhamdulillah. Story cut short, the next 2 weeks we met again and theres baby’s heartbeat 💗

Do make doa for me and the baby. Guess this will be our last pregnancy (well am not that young hehe). Please pray for smooth pregnancy and healthy baby inshaallah.. This entry is quite personal to me as I rarely disclose my so called ‘reproductive’ issue hehe. But I guess this time around it is too special to keep it to myself 😇

Oh the gender! Perhaps in the next entry ya. Itu pun drama jugak tu. Sebab bertukar2 penampakan nya haha!

Till then, babydust 🍼 to all!! 😻😻

New Norm for Daycare

Today marks day-56 of MCO. Few days back our PM8 announced itll be extended to 9th June!! Brace yourself 😌

So anyway sejak 4 Mei hari tu taska ‘Arfaan start buat homeschooling, 30mins session je. Tiap 2 hari.

Caterpillar with teacher JLo!
2nd session buat 🍎
‘Arfaan’s 3rd session today!

Mood dia ada masa ok ada masa tak ok hehe. So far dah 3x. Ummi pun kena duduk sama kalau tak dia taknak layan pun ticer tu 😂

Hope that this MCO and Covid19 will be over soon so that we can go back to our normal routine. We miss the school and teachers. And i believe the kids miss their friends and teachers too huhu

Thats all for now. Staysafe, stayathome!