So here we are in KK. Short ‘vacation’ before I go back to the office. Post confinement I have another 1.5months so why not we follow walid to KK kan haha. Kuasser mak nak duk KL sorang2.
Its also ‘Arfaan’s new experience of jetsetting! I mean, on a flight. Duh. And ‘Aaqil’s hundreds times (ok tipu tapi lucky u son kecik2 dah merata). He was only 44days young ?
The advantage of KK-KL-KK every weekend, husband is now a GOLD Enrich member. So we got to enjoy golden lounge every trip ? Free fooooooood and of course, comfort while waiting to board. Alhamdulillah…‘Arfaan sleeping with walid while ummi having lunch. ‘Aaqil flying like a pro ? doing his own thanggg hihiNow back to ummi so that walid can have his lunch pulak. Gitu lah bila tak dpt seat bassinet. Huhu. Baju dah bertukar sebab baju tadi kena yakyak bocor aduiHello Kota Kinabalu we are so ready for you!!! ?❤
I’ll resume to work early May so end of this month we’ll be back in KL. ‘Aaqil on the other hand having tough time to understand this – there’ll be only me, him and adik in KL and walid still in KK after this. Well he enjoys this phase (all 4ofus together) very much. I hope he’ll understand. Soon.