Alhamdulillah dah hampir 3 bulan pun balik dari bumi Ashgabat…
Whats up?
• ‘Aaqil mula ke taska Little Ones di Sek 4, dekat dgn rumah my parents since 31st Dec. He’s coping well alhamdulillah. The first few weeks were the toughest. Menangis sampai taknak bagi ummi pergi. Lama-lama dia dah terima kenyataan yang memang dia kena ikut teacher. So dah boleh pergi dgn tenang dan salam ummi dan tgk ummi pergi tanpa menangis, syukur sangat 🙂
• Masih belum boleh bercakap buat ayat. Perkataan biasa tu boleh lah. Lain2 tu banyak baby talk je. Should i be worried? He’s going to be 26months next week. Hmm.
• Sangat suka makan. Dan nak buat semua sendiri. Dari amik pinggan kat dapur, cedok nasi lauk, sampai la hantar pinggan ke sink dapur. Phew. Nak tutup lampu sendiri, nak tutup pintu kereta sendiri, nak tekan butang lif sendiri. Hihi
• Suka kena dukung. Adoi tang ni memang ummi pancit la. Sebab taknak berjalan sendiri melainkan pergi kedai buku atau kedai toys. Kalau tak memang berdukung je. Bila letak je dia akan baring atas lantai. Huhu
• Kuat minum susu. I give him full cream freshmilk. And mealshakes Shaklee for extra nutrients.
• Masih di Ashgabat hingga akhir tahun ni if not earlier ;p
• Coping with works. Been assigned to a new project. Ok la
• Recently went for offshore site visit. Nasib baik day trip je. So i brought ‘Aaqil & Raiyan along. We stayed 2 nights at Imperial Miri.
• Still trying to manage my time juggling parenthood, my 9-5 job & Shaklee. My target is to earn 5-fig by year end (Shaklee), Allah’s willing :’)
• Oh I’ve stopped my pumping session at the office since early Feb. Alhamdulillah. Now ‘Aaqil only bf when I’m around je. Still figuring out how to wean him 100% ughh
• My eczema worsen since i took Vivix. Healinh crisis thingy. But now getting better. Still cont on Vivix just to get rid of all steroid and toxin in my body
• Aizat my BIL recently got married. Reception at Taiping will be next weekend
• What else huh? Oh I was actually trying to log in to my other blog but to no avail so i end up writing this entry LOL
Thats all I guess. Life is good but I still miss my 2013. Tskk. Kausar , move on alreadyyyy…