while waiting for our ride

…i took this pic


gunung yang masih diliputi salji.kalau tak silap gunung tu memisahkan turkmenistan dan iran 🙂

dah lama nak amik gambar view depan rumah kami ni tapi cuaca asik gloomy je.hari ni ada matahari dan kebetulan lepak luar tunggu van utk ke usrah/potluck mingguan hehe so apalagi…

suhu masih 7degc setakat pagi tadi.tgk forecast nxt week mungkin akan panas sikit.alhamdulillah…

our first outing!

tues 19th, national flag day

so dah nama pun cuti, walid decided to bring us out for some fresh air ;p and also to stock up some groceries

van picked us up at 10am.oh btw we move around the city using van/shuttle provided by the company.so kena on time la takleh ikut suka hati je

our first stop was the wet market.beli daging, tulang and some veges.baru ku tahu suamiku ni terer cakap russian.coz local here speak very little english.aku nganga je tgk suamiku cakap dgn mamat jual daging tu lol.so to survive here mmg kena tahu basic words yg pakai daily la.so far i only know less than 10words haha.takpe sikit2…

next we went to yimpas.ala2 jusco la.bawah ada market, level lain kedai2 baju etc.then atas sekali ada foodcourt…


done shopping, we had lunch at the foodcourt.i had lamb begedil set (haha).sedap oii

set gini dalam 13manat(equiv to rm13).currency sini n msia lebih kurg so takyah susah2 convert..

btw foodcourt dia cantik gila ala2 fine dining je setup.amik order pun pakai tab.kool

balik tu rehat2 & malam lepas maghrib kitorg kuar dgn lg 2 msian families.officemate husband.so dpt jumpa the wives and kids…gi makan ayam&lamb bakar.pergh sedap gila.ayam tu juicy sampai kalau gigit boleh tpancut jus2 dia dapppp


balik from dinner buat projek sambal petai n goreng tempe secara pukal sbg bekalan lunch suami ke ofis esoknya..


bwk tempe 10pek.tp cpt lak turn bad so kena habiskan cecepat…

ok sekian enough foodporn for today lol

settling down

pagi subuh hari ahad, ‘aaqil down with fever.temp 37.4.so bg pcm 6hourly.pity him.mungkin demam rindu shah alam sbb dia mcm tercari2 sumthing je.he seemed not happy here ;(


lgpun rumah ni tingkap tinggi.’aaqil takleh tgk luar mcm selalu.so petang tu kitorg bwk dia jln2 kat playground dan kat neighbourhood tu.mood dia ok sikit.esoknya alhamdulillah demam kebah 🙂


ummi pulak hari isnin tu la nak sambung unpacking food dan repack balik utk letak dlm freezer.petai,serai, bunga kantan, daun pandan, daun limau purut, cili api etc2.as im writing this, ada lg barang yg belum simpan dalam kabinet hihi


selasa pulak cuti umum kat sini, national flag day.kira mcm hari jalur gemilang la kalau kat msia haha.so walid cuti yayyy baru keje sehari dah cuti ummi sukaaaa ;p

ok nanti sambung daa

hello ashgabat!

alhamdulillah we have safely arrived in ashgabat, turkmenistan last saturday…

‘aaqil behaved very well the whole journey kl-bangkok-ashgabat.the first flight (10pm friday 15th) he was so happy n excited.didnt sleep at all.ummi walid yg pancit ;p

we had a few hrs stay at one of the transit hotel in bangkok.ok la boleh tdo 2 jam then bgn freshen up and head back to the airport to catch our 2nd flight at 5am

it was a 7hr flite.’aaqil slept aaaaalllll the way.ummi&walid took turn pegang dia tidur.turkmen airline sgt tahpape bg infant seat tp xde bassinet urghhh.anyways after the 6th hour, he woke up and ya allah good mood sgt.terus ummi pun happy lupa sakit pinggang bontot semua hahhaa

sampai2 it was 7degc outside.cakap kuar asap haha.setel2 w imigresen then off to our apartment.sampai rumah kul 11++ am…


‘aaqil turned 1

…on Jan 20th 2013, exactly 2wks ago, alhamdulillah

am eager to write about ‘aaqil turning one ie his milestones, his feeding pattern, how ‘aaqil&solidfood (6-12m), our bf journey so far, ‘aaqil&allergies/fever/etc, his bday celeb etcetc but i dunno where to start.since its gonna be a superlengthy entry, i think i’d break it into few entries inshaallah…this is more like a note to myfutureself when we have ‘aaqil’s adiks later on(amiin)…

yang paling aku takut adalah terlupa so harap sempat setel entri tertunggak sebelum memori terbang di angin lalu haha
