dilema bergaya part ii

how ironic.few days after i posted this, i received another remark by a male chinese colleague,

“u know since u got married,all ur clothes look so motherly..”

“whats tht supposed to mean?”

“dunno…u look motherly lah..”

err compliment or critics.i so dont know.i was wearing a small flowers-blouse with a pink skirt btw.so i so dont get that.i hope that this will end soon – those endless comments.sometimes i feel like a celebrity u know*vomit*.ppl observing your attires and all.esp after married.oh crap,but that usually what i do to those newly married ppl – – looking at their dressings and behaviour like is there any changes after becoming mrs/madam.hik2.cant help it la,saiko suka.so what goes around comes around,huh? ;p

tentang udang

saya suka makan udang.saya paling suka makan udang yang telah dikopek sepenuhnya.kalau saya ke restoren,kalau macam nak order sambal udang misalnya,saya akan pastikan udang tersebut telah siap berkopek.kalau tak,saya akan order apa2 yang tak ber’udang’.jadi,kalau saya masak apa2 masakan bermotifkan udang,saya akan kopek kesemua kulitnya supaya bila nak makan nanti senang dan comply dengan citarasa saya


1. bila kulit2 udang ini dibuang dalam tong sampah kat dapur tu,bau dia mashaallah…satu rumah ‘semerbak’.maklumlah rumah kecik.walaupun dah letak dalam plastik dan bungkus dengan berlapis2 suratkhabar.tambahan pula tong-sampah-centre kat apartmen ni jauh nun di hujung dunia, maka kami hanya buang sampah sekali seminggu.tak larat weh hari2 nak pi buang kat ‘tong-sampah-centre’ tu.huuuu.so masak udang memang dikurangkan kerana faktor ini sobs

2. kulit tangan saya sangat sensitif dengan udang dan yang sewaktu dengannya (baca:makanan laut).kalau saya mengopek udang,konfirm lepas tu saya akan mula menggaru seperti tiada penghujung (like no end).


untuk masalah no 1,
saya pernah dengar petua untuk hilangkan bau udang.sebelum buang sisa2 kulit udang dsbg, rebus sampai masak kmudian tapis dan barulah buang macam biasa.tapi saya tak pernah cuba.sebab malas beberapa minggu lepas tu (lamanye), saya dapat idea ini,

i. sesudah saya melenjan mengopek udang2 itu,kulit2 udang tersebut saya masukkan semula dalam plastik.jangan gunakan plastik yang sama.ambil plastik yang kering/baru supaya air udang  drp plastik lama tidak menitik2.kang  lantai dapur lak bau udang.adeh.itu u kena mop lantai la.i takde cara malas lain

ii. kemudian simpan di dalam peti sejuk (bhgn ais tuh.atau orang putih kata freezer)

iii. bila sampah nak dibuang ke tong-sampah-centre,katalah hari sabtu,barulah letak kulit udang (yang telah beku) td ke dalam plastik hitam bersama2 sampah lain dan di buang jauh2

iv. maka wangilah tidak busuklah dapur dan rumah saya dek kerana kulit udang2 yang hensem itu dan bolehlah saya memasak udang setiap hari nangesla hasben saya membaca ini

nota : oh tapi kalau anda takesah udang tak berkopek,masak je dengan misai2 segala.kan sonang.takyah ekau poning2 nak buang mano kulit2 eh

oh untuk masalah no 2,
saya atasi hanyalah dengan menyapu ubat Elomet.ubat yang sangat popular dikalangan ahli keluarga saya kerana kami semua memang diberikan kelebihan kulit mudah gatal ini.pertanyaan “elomet mana?” dan “ada sape2 nampak elomet” dan “sape last pakai elomet” adalah bentuk2 pertanyaan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan daripada keluarga kami.elomet ada jenis cream(cream-like,putih2) atau ointment(jernih2).rupa dia macam tiub ubat gigi saiz kecil.boleh didapati di farmasi2 seperti guardian.dan sekarang saya mempunyai elomet saya sendiri di rumah!hehe.ubat ni bagus sebab kalau disapu pada tempat2 gatal tu tak sampai seminggu boleh baik.tapi macam saya ni,seminggu sekali je baru teringat nak pakai makanya tah bila nak baik

oke dah offtopic.baik aku berenti

sekian.selamat mencuba!

terbaek wok

am currently here and updating my blog thru the pc provided in the room.yeah u read it rite.in my own room.he he

this is the view from my room.again.why i make this entry?oh because this is one of the coolest (read : bukan coldest ye) hotel room i’ve ever been stayed in.hehe.tho my routine everytime i enter any hotel room will be snap snap snap and snap(well u get wht i mean).but this one is the coolest and i cant help from pasting in my blog.sorry peeps,pc sudah ada apdet saja blog anda kan ;p oh about the pc and free internet access, this is cyberjaya we’re talking about,so… 🙂

view from the entrance

the deluxe garden room.there is a balcony out there however since its already maghrib i cant open the curtain hehe.i would recommend this room for honeymooners *wink2*

the surprises

oh when i walk nearer to the superking size bed, i found these 2 surprises ie a small teddy and 2 green pyramid-shape boxes.i wonder whats inside…hmmmm

cute complimentary bear

the cute bear.never in my life getting a complimentary bear from a hotel.so yay~

good nite! :)

oho goodnite wish rupanya.Cybear…how cute!


oh guess what…its a choc!a custom made chocs.cool huh~ sayang nak makan ;p

oh thats about it…me sign off from……

free wi-fi

have to check out tomorrow.sad.anyhow,felt very lucky to have the opportunity to stay in this huge hotel room.cool cooler coolest…

p/s : maaflah besau2 gamba nye.pix aditor ada kat lappy saya sajerk.melampau la nak download software kat pc ni kan.nampak beriye sangat lak nanti.hik2

p/p/s : ohkehlah.den nak pi makan.sangatlah takjub dengan pc kat blek sendiri sampai dan2 tu nak apdet blog kan.well,sharing the joy katanya.hehe.abaikan la saya yang tahpape.oke daaa~

poyo nye entri kali ni


our saturday (:

time : 11.45am
location : atria shopping complex,damansara jaya (corelle,corningware,pyrex and vision warehouse sale)

one of malay lady : “uncle, i think this one is mine.somebody took out from my basket”
well thats basically the end of our journey searching for corelle-dinner-plates.cat fight!?i think its more like uncle-akak fight.ha ha.mind u,that uncle spent like almost half an hour beleking the only 20pcs dinner plates left.haiya how laa

an announcement made by the organizer “here at corelle corner, we have few sets of 16pcs and 18pcs dinner set.better hurry up the sets will be gone fast” okay honestly i quickly left my husband at the checking counter and head towards the said corner.most of them concentrating on the 16pcs sets.belek2 n all.then the organizer said, “here are the 18pcs” trying to steal those ppl attention.in a split of second all 3 sets of 18pcs are gone!i dun even get to see what are the 18pcs okay.and here between an auntie and the organizer,

“what inside?can open aa this box”
then someone else grab the only set left and move away
“eh is this all”
” yeah thats the last one.somebody took it.sorry”

how mehh???

syukur, we still get ourselves these…

the catch

akak malas nak berebut2.amik je lah apa yang ada banyak……ha ha

time : 3.15pm
location : ampang superbowl (EXPRO bowler selection organized by the company)


“biasa main ke”
“ish tak lah.teman husband sebenarnya.so saje lah main jugak”

the excuse was more like a disclaimer so that ppl wont look down on you if you get longkang or less than 100pts


“main berapa game ek” me
“2 game kot” him
half an hour later
“sayang,kena main 6 game tau”
“itulah.diorang2 pun ckp camtu” sambil refer ke bowlmates saya

dalam hati…wah~ bila lagi nak main bowling free mcm ni.10 game pun i sanggup.ha ha..

18 lanes,50 bowlers

…….syukur 😉

time : 9.00pm
location : sate kajang haji samuri (tagline : “untuk rasa sate kajang yang sebenar..” betul,tak tipu)

sebahagian drp mknn mlm tersebut


“rasa2 jumlah semua ni sampai rm20 tak yang”
“tak sampai kot”
“wahh…ada balance lagi duit elaun tadi.suka!!”


“eh tahun ni tak dapat towel EXPRO cam tahun lepas eh”
“a’ah cut budget kot”

takpelah.dapat elaun pun dah alhamdulillah syukur.ish kamu ni,dah bagi betis nak peha.hik2

dilema bergaya


pagi tadi dalam perjalanan ke pejabat…

“cantik sangat la baju laling ni.nanti ada orang ngorat isteri saya” – – –  laling tu saya exagerate saje.ha ha
“okeh.lain kali saya tak pakai dah” sambil tersenyum.ikhlas
“eh bukan macam tu maksud saya”


petang tadi semasa ambil wudhu’ utk zohor…

“kau ni aku tengok pakai tudung cam budak sekolah lagi.warna pun putih.dah kahwin ni pakai la lilit2 camni” – – – sambil menunjukkan tudung beliau yang dililit seperti trend2 terkini
“ala kak.saya ni takde keberanian la nak pakai camni.boleh je.tapi kerja saya ni pun kebanyakan kat site.mana nak lilit,pakai coverall ngan helmet segala” – – – saya memberi hujah
“kan sekarang dah kat pejabat.cubalah sekali sekala.haa tgk.baju cantik tp pakai kasut camni je?” – – – sambil menuding kepada kasut flat hitam multipurpose saya

pulak dah….

saya pun sudah konfius.memang dahulu masa sebelum ke site saya boleh la nak melawa ke ofis.lagi pulak masih bujang gitu.suka wat koleksi skirt dan blouse.lepastu mismatch kan.memang suka sangat.tapi sejak pulang dari bertapa di site selama setahun, tambahan semenjak kahwin ni,mood ‘melawa’ saya seakan2 berkurang.kalau ke ofis samada baju kurung atau seluar dan blouse yang diulang2 pakai.lepas tu muka pun kadang2 tak berbedak pun.hehe.memang macam tu ye lumrahnya?

tapi ada segelintir(eh,ramai jugak sebenarnya) rakan-rakan saya yang lepas kahwin makin pandai bergaya.bagus,kan?huhu.terbalik dengan saya ni.hik2.takpelah.terpulang la pada masing2.macam budak sekolah pun macam budak sekolah lah.yang penting,kita menjaga maruah suami.oh,dan kita sentiasa kelihatan comel & jelita di mata suami kita….;p *okay boleh muntah sekarang*


seringkali kita perkatakan tentang rezeki…

“rezeki masing2…”

“rezeki tu datang pelbagai bentuk.kadang2 musibah juga rezeki kerana itu adalah pintu untuk kita peroleh ganjaran pahala”

“murah rezeki dia..”

dan seterusnya.

tapi yang paling best saya pernah dengar tentang rezeki adalah rezeki bererti 3 perkara di bawah ;

pakai dan buruk
kita beli sesuatu,kita pakai sampai benda tu buruk.buruk dalam erti kata kita gunakan dengan sungguh2/selalu.kalau kita beli,pakai sekali dan simpan,itu bukanlah rezeki

makan dan telan
kita makan dan makanan tu sampai ke perut.kata lah kita makan dan separuh jalan terkeluar balik (ie muntah) maka makanan tu bukanlah rezeki kita

dapat dan sedekah
bunyi mcm straight fwd kan.tp kata teman saya tu,rezeki bukan apa yang kita ada.tapi apa yang kita beri/sedekah.sebab yang kita beri tu yang akan beranak pinak pahalanya.yang kita simpan,kalau kelak kita bertemu ajal,akan tersimpan saja lah.takda apa2 manfaat pun.itu yang dikatakan rumah kereta tanah bukan leh bawak masuk kubur hehe

(ingat lagi.elok saya dengar pasal teori kat atas ni,balik rumah terus saya cerita kat mak dan adik2 saya.saya rasa teori tersebut ada betulnya.hehe.kira macam terkena batang hidung sendiri bila beli baju ke ape ke pakai sekali je pastu perap dlm almari.huuuu)

tentang yang nombor 3, saya pernah terbaca nota yang pernah saya tulis ketika menghadiri ceramah pengurusan kewangan suatu ketika dulu.antara isi2 yang saya ingat,

a. simpan sekurang2nya 10% daripada pendapatan tiap2 bulan
b. asingkan 10% daripada pendapatan untuk ibubapa (dalam nota saya kata : terutama untuk ibu)
c. peruntukkan sekurang2nya 10% untuk bersedekah ie tak kiralah dalam apa jua bentuk sekalipun.zakat pendapatan mungkin salah satu daripadanya 🙂

jika a,b dan c kat atas ni diamalkan,inshaAllah kita takkan merasa tidak cukup tiap bulan.inshaallah kita takkan merasa miskin.jom sama2 cuba.well kata orang,periuk besar kerak pun besar,takpelah.perlahan2.tak sikit,banyak.tak banyak,sikit….ye tak?

peringatan untuk diri sendiri juga sebenarnya ;p


tentang mak tersayang

happy mothers day to all mommies in the whole wide world!u guys rawk!


dan khusus untuk mak tersayang,
i love u so much.thanks for always be there
i want to be just like you,the devoted wife,the loving mother inshaallah
now that i’m a wife myself, mak’s patience and sacrifices really thought me a lot
u are an example by simply being u

mak melahirkan kami semua 11 beradik dalam keadaan normal.takde yang operate.tough kan?

kaklang masih ingat masa kecik2,kaklang kuat nangis.sampai masuk sekolah rendah pun suka nangis.kena ejek sikit,nangis.kena marah,nangis.masa kat matrik pun,bila mak n abah dah nak balik dr hantar kaklang,konfirm kaklang nangis.masa 1st year kat um,kaklang telefon mak sebab takut takleh cope dgn engineering.nangis jugak.masa nikah nangis lagi.eh kata td kecik2 je.tapi mak tak pernah sikit pun tunjuk rasa penat melayan kaklang yang semua kata ‘benyek’ ni…

kaklang dulu kuat merajuk.mak tegur sikit,kaklang tarik muka.masa tu kaklang tak terfikir pengorbanan mak.kaklang rasa kaklang je betul.tapi last2 mak jugak pujuk kaklang balik…

mak selalu masakkan fav food kitorang 11 beradik.pernah sekali tu,mak masak kari daging untuk makan malam.pastu kaklang cakap,“waa kalau esok sarapan roti canai best ni”.elok lepas makan malam,mak uli tepung.“mak nak buat ape tu”.mak ckp,“roti canai”.sebak rasa masa tu.mak memang the best dan selalu buat anak2 dia hepi.kalau kami ada jamuan kat sekolah atau nak bawak bekal makanan sedap2,esok paginya mak mesti bangun awal semata2 untuk sediakan apa jua permintaan kitorang.masa kecil2 memang take for granted.bila dah faham,rasa macam kenapalah selalu susahkan mak…

mak sentiasa sabar ngan kitorang.salah satu sifat mak yang kaklang susah nak tiru adalah mak lambat marah tapi mak cepat kool.walau apepun karenah kitorang – – – malas buat kerja,malas wat macam2, mak lambat marah.leter tu mmg ada.tp kejap je mak akan kool.mak jarang marah2 depan rezeki/kat meja makan.tak berkat.memang membesarkan 11 orang anak yang pelbagai ragam bukan sesuatu yang mudah.tapi mak sentiasa tabah…

mak ni rajin dan bijak.lepas dapat ijazah,mak tak bekerja.mak jadi surirumah sepenuh masa.lepas adik yang paling kecil umur 3tahun,yakni selepas dekat 20tahun grad,baru mak mula bekerja sebagai tutor separuh masa di universiti.subjek kalkulus lak tu.masa tu pun saya tengah belajar subjek lebih kurang.mak ada tanya2 buku ape saya pakai untuk rujukan dsbg.bila tgk mak buat marking paper etc,saya nampak passion mak dalam kerja mak.tapi sebab membesarkan kami 11 beradik, mak sanggup korbankan segala passion itu.ternyata penantian mak selama 20 tahun mendatangkan hasil.saya gembira lihat mak dapat buat sesuatu yang mak suka dan dapat rasa income sendiri…

disebabkan sikap mak yang comel dan kiut,kami selalu mengusik mak.tapi mak tak pernah berkecil hati.malah mak senyum lagi adalah.peristiwa yang menjadi bahan usikan sehingga kini adalah kisah selipar di kanchong,terapung di terengganu dan gulai otak monyet.biarlah kisah2 ini menjadi rahsia antara kami sekeluarga demi kemaslahatan semua.ha ha.apepun mak memang yang paling comelll…

kalau nak disenaraikan,memang takkan habis entri ni.26 tahun mak membesarkan saya.terlalu banyak kisah pahit manis bersama mak.kesimpulannya,mak saya seorang yang tabah.bagi mak,keluarga adalah yang pertama,lain2 no 2,3,4…kaklang sayang mak selalu..semoga mak panjang umur, dimurahkan rezeki dan cepat2 naik haji.amiiinnn

p/s : kaklang = gelaran saya di rumah.harap maklum

p/p/s : lagi tentang mak saya klik sini atau sini

tentang bali

i know this entry is delayed for what, more than a month? well anyways,the memories still fresh in my mind – – – our very first vacation together, yay!

we chose bali because we both never been there and we were thinking of somewhere privacy which means out of malaysia.plus with beautiful beaches and learn new culture perhaps ;p furthermore, honeymoon not supposed to be waste with jetlagged and all so indonesia is just perfect 🙂

so few days after the reception at taiping, we flew to bali! 🙂

the flight


we departed from lcct at 10am+ to ngurah rai airport, denpasar.it was weekdays and even the flight was not full.oh btw, now airasia is a free-seating-airlines-no-more whereby each passanger has their dedicated seat.we were quite surprised coz we thot we need to like u know berebut seat and all ;p 3hours flight and we i slept almost the whole journey since we both havent got enough rest after all the ceremonies.huhu

hello bali!


our very first impression on bali was – – – panasnya!!!we hardly see clouds in the sky and the skies are blue.breathtaking i must say.bali is an island hence the heat.just like langkawi or penang.or even hotter kot hehe.we took a cab to the hotel and it cost us Rp210.000 approx RM70.this is the fix fare for the journey from airport-hotel anywhere in tg benoa.frankly, its much2 cheaper if you purchase the cab tix via airasia as the price was RM50+.nevermind.we were both excited to reach our hotel!*wink2* wp pakcik taxi tu ketuk mintak tip sampai brp rupiah ntah haih

the hotel


journey to grand mirage hotel and thalasso took almost half an hour.along the road we hardly see local ppl.mostly tourists.seriously.and they walk around the island.maybe another way to sunbathe kot;p i should say the hotel is quite nice.despite the mat salehs everywhere huhu.oh and our room……sangatla romantic hik2.i love it tho it was not exactly as the pic in the website but whatever.its still worth it 🙂 oh so we checked in and given a brochure saying that the day after will be Nyepi Day.

Nyepi Day


its like balinese’s new year i should say.its the day of silence.we were not allowed to go out from 6am till 6am the next day.the city will be in silence.we were not even allowed to open our balcony door.even the beaches were closed the whole day.we can only walk around the hotel and up to the garden outside.it was amazing coz we got the chance to learn their culture coz kebetulan the nyepi day happened during our trip 🙂 so we spent our time relaxing and resting coz we gonna have a full day trip tomorrow.yay!

paket tour ke bali trip

if you plan to visit bali someday,i would recommend this site. you can select packages depending on your budget or places that you wish to visit.as for us, we booked paket bali selatan tour for two.mind u, it’ll be much cheaper if you have a bigger group.but in our case,tak dapek nak nolonglah kan ;p also,we were looking for snorkelling and sunset dinner so its just perfect alhamdulillah 🙂 its not easy to cover the whole island within one day.but we manage to visit some of the popular tourist spots here.oh we have a dedicated tourist guide and the apv was great indeed.so here goes

snorkeling and glass bottom boat


the location was just few minutes drive from our stay.its still at tanjung benoa.we were given briefing on the activity and we took our snorkeling gears,change attire,keep our valuable things and off we hop on the boat.when the boat almost reach to the snorkeling spot, the boat-driver opened the so called glass bottom for us to see the fishes whatnot down under.we were both dissapointed because we cant see a thing except for the rumpai lauts yg sgts byks.and the water was not crystal clear.huhu.okay,nevermind.snorkel is an exciting thing to do.but again,we were also dissapointed as it was not up to our expectations.we both once went snorkeling at redang in 2006 (dgn rakan2 induksi lain.masa ni cinta belum berputik;p perlu ke justify haha) and relatively,snorkeling at redang was more exciting and the fishes,wah tersangatla jinaknya.here,the air keruh,ikan tak banyak,whatmore the batu karang – none!bottomline,our sea/island scores better.honestly 🙂

pulau serangan (turtle island)


after done with our not-so-fun-snorkeling,the boat head us to the turtle island.they have few ponds of turtles from the kids till the grandpa.the biggest was half of our bodysize.besar yakmat.then there were biawak,ular,enggang,and some wild animals and we were given the oppurtunity to hold and take pix with em.ular memang tak lah kan.cepat2 tarik suami pi kandang lain ;p the tourist guide here was very friendly.done with the island,off we went back to the shore and took our belongings and heading back to our hotel to change and perform our solah

lunch at GWK


GWK stands for garuda wisnu kencana.its a routine for the guards to check the vehicle upon entering the area.according to pak supir, the routine was enforced eversince the bali bombers tragedy back in 2005.when we enter the area, we saw this HUGE head.and at other place there were the hands and other parts whereby they will construct ’em to be a SUPERHUGE monumen.bali citizens are mostly hindu and the GWK is thier tuhan sort of.they consider the place sacred.so the lunch.since most of the ppl are hindus hence the food we didnt quite confident of the ‘halalness’.we asked so many times..

“makanan di sini halal nggak?”

“ya.halal.kami ga masak babi”

so yeah.forget about the ayam sembelih or not.huhu..we didnt eat whatever with chicken.so we ate the fish and vegi only.which were extremely delicious for us who only ate maggi-in-cup the day before.ha ha.alhamdulillah.we manage to feel kenyang.finally ;p then we went for a walk around the GWK park sweating like nobody cares.it was fun tho.learning other ppl’s culture and all

pura uluwatu


‘pura’ is temple.pura uluwatu is one of the famous temple here in bali.at the entrance, we need to tie a piece of yellow cloth around our waist,just part of their culture.we have been reminded on the crazy monkeys along the way(not crazy.but sacred so they say),up the hill.most importantly,careful of our spectacles.the monkeys might grab them  and bawak lari huhu.then,we have to climb stairs to reach the temple.no we didnt go into the temple because it was closed.the scenery was breathtaking.you can see the horizon from top and also mountains downhill.subhanallah.oh and the skies are crystal blue still 🙂 we took lots of pics here.on our way out to the exit, somehow my husband’s spec were caught by one of the mischievous monkey!i was shocked coz it happened in a split second.seriously.with the help of local peeps,they manage to some sort of pujuk the monkey and return back the specs.huhuuu.alhamdulillah syukur 🙂

pantai dreamland – kuta


its a very small beach i must say.we spent our time relaxing under the big umbrella,having teh botol, the famous tea of all time.hehe.we took deep breath and feel the air.its just amazing.feel each other’s company in one of the famous beach in bali ;p

kampung bali
is a souvenir shop.you may find loads of souvenir here.from the t-shirts to the local food and patung.ha ha.we were running out of time since we have to go to the beach for sunset.so we did a quick shopping.very quick ;p

sunset dinner at jimbaran beach


this was the highlight of our whole day trip.we were brought to jimbaran beach and its almost sunset!so we quickly pick our table and yeah the food is coming right away.we were starving coz we dont have proper meal throughout the trip.the dinner was superb.we had each a set of huge fish,shrimp,squid,crab and veggies.then 4 different sauces.it was amazing experience having dinner,at the beach,watching the sunset.subhanallah.and the food was amazing indeed.totally worth it.kenyang banget!:) this is by far the only most romantic candle light dinner i’ve ever been to.everyone must try.recommended.kat malaysia ada tak tempat camni?romantik sungguh *blush*

its already dark when we finished our dinner.only the spotlight and candles at each tables light up the beach.we head towards the hotel and prepare for our flight the next day!oh we managed to capture the sunrise from our  room balcony hehe cool huh

memorable journey with my dear husband.this will be the first and wont be the last,inshaallah.hoping to go for umrah next.with His will,inshaallah 🙂

p/s : itu je la gambar yang releven hik2

empat pulak

ini namanya menjawab hutang tag beberapa bulan lepas. this time by mrs n ;p

4 jobs I have had in my life:
1. Trainee kat APS – consultant for TNB
2. Pekerja gerai makan sewaktu Pesta Konvo universiti (aci tak)
3. Test Integration Engineer of Flextronics (kilangnya dah tutup pun)
4. Jurutera (ke?) – current

4 movies/tv series I could watch over and over:
1. Grey’s Anatomy
2. Prison Break
3. Legally Blonde
4. The Pink Panther

4 places I’ve lived in:
1. Liverpool (sampai umur 2 tahun)
2. Shah Alam (4 y.o till 26 y.o ;p)
3. Johor Bahru (food best2)
4. Ukay Perdana (current)

4 places I’ve been to: (kene overseas je ke ;p)
1. Norwich – London
2. France
3. Spain
4. Bahrain

4 main sources of emails:
1. Schoolmates
2. Facebook
3. Keje
4. Unimates

4 of my favourite food:
1. Ayam penyet/lalapan
2. Macaroni n cheese
3. Anything about prawns
4. Masak lemak cili api daging salai

4 places I would rather be right now:
1. Mekah for umrah – insyaallah
2. With my nephews (had fun babysit them!)
3. My kitchen (nasi goreng lum siap haha)
4. Teman suami yang kedemaman T_T

4 people to tag:
1. Suami
2. Kaklong (silalah mengapdet blogmu itu.tiru mcm saya—mjawab tag for the sake of updating ;p)
3. Kakcik
4. Makcu