

i flipped thru the going places magz few days mentioned,2 mistakes that ppl normally do when they go travelling that requires loads of walking and running/long hours flight/vacation ;

1. wear high heels or improper shoes
2. overpacking

countdown : 24 days

first 2 days of 1430H

1st day
personally i find the day was emmm…..weird…and the ending was…should i say,full of lessons.huhu.for us the whole family at least..and this is the ending am talking about,


(enterprem keta hang sat kaklong…)
the rest are all history..

2nd day
remember this entry?today the results are out!here goes my conversation with my mak just now,

me : so berapa?
mak : 17A *smiling*
me : hah?yeke?sape 7A sape 8A? (there goes my math)
mak : haih ape pulak.tu 15
me : oh..oh…*pause lame kejap*sape dapat 9A? (suara dah separa mejerit)
mak : siddiq…alhamdulillah
me : alhamdulillah..tahniah korang dua.ape yang B sofiyyah?
sofiyyah : geografi
me : oh takpe…geografi tak penting pun untuk kesejahteraan mase depan..

haha..tahpape punya respon kan.

anyhow.congratulations to both of you bro n sis!i mentioned to them earlier during lunch that was, “dapat 9A tak semestinya berjaya dalam hidup dan sebaliknya”…the point is, they have a long way to go.and in fact, I have a long way to go.the PMR/SPM results etc were just some of the thousandsss milestones.looooooong way to go..keep it up and be grateful.always 😉

selamat menyambut maal hijrah 1430H..mohon ampun salah silap..moga kita di bawah lindungan rahmahNya selalu..amiiiin

7 perkara

7 perkara yang membuat saya gembira sehari dua ini :

1. saya telah jumpa 2-3 buah kedai restoran melayu yg berdekatan dengan kediaman saya di sini.yippie!tak perlulah makan marrybrown saban hari huhu

2. barang-barang untuk kerja modifikasi telah selamat melepasi kastam di pelabuhan bintulu

3. sarapan di kafe sangat sedap rupanya.baca:waffle SAHAJA.lain2 tidak termasuk huhuhu

4. memandangkan 2 hari yang lepas premis hotel ini mengalami masalah internet, maka saya telah berjaya menyiapkan sebahagian projek filing saya he he

5. oh, saya juga telah menyiapkan deraf senarai jemputan untuk majlis nanti!

6. kerja modifikasi telah konfirm dimulakan pada 2 januari!:) moga tiada aral melintang patah lagi.amiiiinnn

7. tak sampai sejam yang lepas, 2 orang rakan saya telah selamat bergelar pengantin baru.tahniah adilah(classmate dari darjah 1 ke ting 5, shah alam) dan suami. Serta pokchet(pipemate, kedah) dan isteri.

oh senarai di atas cuma nota untuk saya di kemudian hari.maaf jika anda tidak faham.hehe.oh,lg satu saya percaya kepada law of attraction.saya perlu berfikiran positif supaya semua yang positif akan mengekori saya hehe.tak percaya?cubelah;)

p/s:comel pulak tgk mawi-ekin kat ria mlm semalam hehe..sweet je~


life is just so unpredictable

first thing i did this morning when i arrived at the bocc office, i called the project manager of our contractor.i was told by the pakgad that the contractors were not here yesterday and even when i arrived early this morning,they were yet to report at the guard house yet.

to my own surprise, the workers already went back to KK yesterday,to celebrate Xmas and New Yr.weird enough,i didnt get angry.i just say ok and agree for them to resume after new year holiday.after all, our materials still under clearance at bintulu materials,no work.few minutes later,i sent a notification mail to my boss on that boss said okay.oh,then i started to smile:) i can go back and use my annual leave!sunday-monday-tuesday-wednesday.on thursday will be back to bintulu,or maybe next sunday..inshaallah…

oh i’m on standby here until the materials arrive at the warehouse.the saturday ticket to kl already full hence the sunday ticket huhu.but nevermind.its ok as long as going back.daripada duduk idle kat bintulu nih.huhuh.

oh later this morning, 4 of the key personnels(who attended the ptw training with me) met me and we had few dicussions on the modification preparation blablabla.they will go back to KK tonight.oh well, end of year is definitely not a good time to commence work.unpredictability is my nature of work.just be prepared.and chill!

athif,faqeh..maklang balik ye ahad ni….jangan pi mane2 tauuuu….muahhh oh rindu budak2 ni rupenye

p/s:org kat umah…jom la balik nih…bukan salu huhu

new world = dunia baru

saya baru sampai di sini….


dan inshaallah untuk sebulan seterusnya(maksimum ok) saya akan menetap disini.ini semua atas tuntutan kerja.kalau boleh memang tak nak travel sini sana.secara jujurnya meletihkan.sangat.tapi kata orang amanah.maka saya perlu berfikiran positif.

tugasan kali ini berbeza berbanding semasa di pasir gudang.berada di negeri borneo seorang diri sememangnya bukan sesuatu yang menyeronokkan.perasaan dari pagi tadi sehingga detik ini terasa amat familiar.fikir2, baru teringat.dejavu tu datang kerana perasaan sedih ini sama seperti hampir 9 tahun lepas, ketika saya diterima masuk ke Kolej Matrikulasi Melaka.

kenapa sedih lain macam?
1. saya seorang diri di tempat asing, tiada rakan yang dikenali
2. saya tak tahu expectation di suasana baru ini
3. berjauhan dari keluarga
4. makin kronik sebab sangat sukar utk mendapatkan penerbangan pergi balik bintulu-kl.kalau di johor dulu,sekurang2nya ada bas atau penerbangan murah airasia.dahulu di melaka,sukar utk pulang kerana faktor seakan tinggal di asrama
5. saya perlu belajar berdikari
6. perlu tukar mind clock kerana di sini kerja 7 to 4.oh mungkin juga 7 to 7 huhuhu

ini akan menjadi sebulan yang mencabar.menyesuaikan diri di tempat orang dan dalam masa yang sama tekanan kerja dengan encik2 kontraktor.oh, dan kali ini juga saya berpeluang bekerja dalam suasana plant.plant adalah tempat pemprosesan minyak dan gas untuk dieksport ke luar negara.sebenarnya haku taktau ape term melayu nye.mungkin saya boleh pelajari ilmu baru inshaallah..

apepun,ini sebahagian daripada kehidupan seorang pekerja.mungkin ini sahaja peluang yang ada untuk saya seumur hidup ni.maka silalah doakan kesejahteraan saya di sini ya.

terima kasih rakan-rakan…

p/s : wi-fi adalah sangat mustahak untuk kesejahteraan diri ini.oh,lupa.wi-fi yang percuma ya.penting tu ;p

ala bintulu je pun.kecoh macam kerja kat sudan hahah

the boys

oh…budak cinonet 2 orang tu balik shah alam esok.harapnya.papepun,yippie~~ sudah 2 minggu lebih tak jumpa.rase macam nak gomol2 je.satu umah demam rindu tauuu.haih camane lah bila diorang pindah rumah nanti…. 😐

tentang tag

hehe.haha.setelah lebih 2 tahun memblog,ini adalah kali pertama saya menjawab tag.pernah kena taktau kenapa tak berjawab sampai ke sudah.makanya,kali ini perlu tabahkan hati menjawab kerana telah ditag bertubi2 oleh genap-sebulan-bakal-puan-amirah dan juga puan zulida ;p

7 ciri wanita/lelaki idaman anda:
1. tabah
2. tenang
3. berjaya
4. penyabar dan kool
5. berfikiran matang
6. pemaaf
7. bijak

7 wanita/lelaki yang pernah anda minati sepanjang hidup:
1. athif
2. faqeh
3. adek aqeh
4. abang athif
5. ini adalah kesan apabila terlalu rindu
6. walaupun kini saya berada di KT tetapi mereka di dungun
7. rindu itu tidak kurang juga

7 perasaan sekiranya keluar dengan seseorang yang anda minati :
1. berdebar.kot.haha
2. serba tak kena
3. rasa macam nak lari
4. kurang bercakap
5. makan tak lalu
6. ngantuk muka ala2 blush gitu
7. rasa comel.boleh?hahah dah takde idea.apesal kene 7 gak

7 tempat istimewa yang ingin dilawati bersama pasangan anda:
1. New Zealand
2. Liverpool
3. Manchester United
4. Jepun
5. Capetown, Afrika Selatan
6. Paris
7. Mekah inshaallah…
(haaa…yang ni kalo 500 pun boleh jawab ;p)

7 barangan/sesuatu istimewa yang mungkin akan anda hadiahkan pada pasangan anda:
1. LCD PC Monitor
2. DSLR yang up sket dari sekarang like i know
3. pintu suka hati
4. kipas doraemon yg boleh letak atas kepala patuh terbang tu
5. more time
6. nil
7. oh nampak sangat sy ni tak thoughtful kan huhuh

7 tajuk lagu yang akan anda nyanyikan untuk pasangan : (apekah!?)
1. aku dan dirimu by ari lasso dan BCL
2. terima kasih cinta by afgan
3. i love the way u love me by boyzone
4. u raised me up by josh groban
5. munajat cinta by the rock feat ahmad dhani
6. i believe in you by celine dion and il divo
7. tercipta untukku by ungu

Tag 7 rakan yang anda mahu mereka buat PERIHAL 7 ini
1. zurf the kazen – if u read my blog la..satu umah duk ulangkaji entri2 kamu hehe

2. pakcu
3. lina the kazen – i know u read my blog
4. mak – welkam to blogging world mak!! haha sian mak kene layan tag.takpe2 pelan2 kayuh;p
5. makcu
6. kaklong
7. kakcik
(amik kau satu family tree haku letak ;p)

kumpul tag katanye.haaa ni tag ke 2

1) Do you think you’re hot?

2) Upload your favourite picture of you?


3) Why do you like that picture?
ok.takde la suke sebab suka sebab kelakar.oh malah saya ingat lagi perbualan sebelum gambar ini diambil..
saya ke london seorang diri.maka sangat susah nak cari orang untuk ambilkan gambar.sesampai di tower of london, dekat ngan london bridge, saya nampak sorang perempuan matsaleh dengan familynya.jadi mintak tolong kat dia.berdasarkan pengalaman2 sebelum ini, asal saya mintak matsaleh2 ambil gambar je, pasti jadi senget,badan separuh dsbg, u name it.maka beginilah perbualan kami…

saya : miss, could u take my picture, please?
british girl : oh sure!*smiling*
saya : em pls make sure that u get me rite in the middle yeah
british girl : oh yeah.definitely *smiling*
saya senyum, dan dia pun snap
british girl : there you go dear…right in the middle
saya : *tengok gambar* oh thanks…. *muka pasrahh* its TOWER OF LONDON by the wayyyyy ;p
(eh eh..panjang la pulak jawapannye…)

4) When was the last time you ate pizza?
ni apehal tetibe soalan pizza nih..em kalu tak silap bulan lepas, kat pasir gudang ngan kawan2 ofis

5) The last song you listened to?
munajat cinta by the rock feat ahmad dhani

6) What are doing right now besides this?
timesheet dan juga siapkan jawapan utk soalan yg diberi oleh hj halim td huhuhu

7) What name would you prefer besides yours
oh i love my name thankyouverymuch

8) Tag 5 people to this
1. pakcu
2. makcu
3. kaklong
4. mak
5. kakcik

haaaa habis pun…nasibla kan tak jawab soalan.oh ini juga adalah operasi mengelakkan blog ini dr bersawang.ngeh2

tentang kursus

i dont understand some ppl.y must they cheat?so pissed off.maybe they get blank or something…


i’m currently at the smtc centre,miri.attending the PTW course.PTW stands for Permit To Work.basically it is a course for us to get a licensce(lesen daa) before we can apply permit for a group of people under our supervision, to execute job in hazardous area, or doing hazard job.this applies in the oil and not sure for other industry.whether the term is PTW still.oh,the course is a mandatory by Shell thts y i have to duh~

i dont even know the criticality of passing this course until the first 5minutes of the course(which begins yesterday morning).the course leader explained the importance for us to understand this course as our signature later on will affect law OSHA 1994 and if anything happens on the work under the applicant, may get sue for RM50k yadayadayada..i was blank for the first few hours of the course.too many things in my mind.y i must attend this.y nobody told me about the responsibilitieS of having the certified PTW its SHELL’s.the instructor is soo strict.i mean, if you dont pass this,its the end of your world.or at least your being a drama queen by nature(as been claimed by my colleagues),i feel like run away from the class,dont wanna think about it,ponteng and just have a good sleep at the hotel.thats when the instructor said, ” oh well,u’re already lets just get it over with”…….*puff*

so i had the following tests for these whole day,

1. Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) – prepare your own case study that related to your workplace
2. PTW Form – fill up the form and signatories
3. Toolbox Meeting – give speech/talk for 5-10mins
4. Identify mistakes on defect PTW forms
5. Written assessment – process/procedures of PTW form endorsement

so i studied last night.when was the last time i had an exam?3 tahun lepas i was scared to death.if i were to repeat this course,bikin malu,buang duit kompeni.haha.oh ya,the cheaters am talking about.i’m pissed.a guy is an indian who sat quite far from my table(the instructor noticed he’s cheating!).whilst another guy,whose a filipino,quite old,sit in front of me,and he took out his notes from the back and act as if he is answering the questions.duh!oh correction,its not the notes.its the ANSWERs for the questions that he had prepared earlier before the assessment!huh!but the assessor didnt realize his act.what angry me most is that the instructor already gave us tips and in fact, all the questions and answers.all we have to do is memorize and understand.but why those ppl still cheat?tell me..tell me…huhuhu

just now got the results.i passed,alhamdulillah.the whole class passed except for that indian guy.he needs to wait after the session.not sure whether he pass or not.but that filipino guy aaa i tell u..~ whatever la.lesen terbang..haih

apapeje la membebel.kill the time while waiting for my 9pm flight.yep,smtc got Wifi~

p/s:did i tell u dorsett was horrible.i mean for me la.the service was bad.oh n so many things la.supposed to stay there 4nights but instead, the first very night i got pissed and called GB right away to book for the remaining 3 nights.lucky got room left.huhu

value for money

its back and kicking!the Year End Sale.YES!hehe.he he he… (u know what i mean)


just wondering.say u have an RM100 budget for a handbag.then you go to this mall and browse through the handbags.different section, different discount.u come down to 2 options,

Option 1
Brand : Unbranded
Normal Price : RM100
Price after discount : RM70

Option 2
Brand : GUESS
Normal Price : RM300
Price after discount : RM150

well provided that both meet your physical criteria.which handbag would you choose.remember your budget?

get what i mean?

its the sale im talking about.its value for money.believe it or not.
im a kind of person whose fussy about the brand cause it reflects the quality.i have few the most im wearing rite now is the hush puppies.been wearing it for almost 2 yrs now.still in a good condition.oh and another pair is the carlo rino.been wearing for almost a year.still comfortable.u can ask my unimates and my sistah.they knew my-only-two-shoes.he he.then i have few more shoes bought from normal shops.wore for few times,then it’ll start to patah la.koyak la.or even worse, it’ll cause my feet to melecet.huhuhu..but weird enough im not sure of the lifetime of those designer handbags/shoes/bla3 cause i dont have one.he he.if hush puppies can last up to 5 yrs, then it should last like 25 yrs la kan—looking at the price comparison.hik2..joking..

but maybe it does not apply to other things.or maybe diff ppl diff opinion…
all i can say is i hardly buy when i come to buy one, i’ll be very particular about the brand.coz i need it to last long.coz i dun shop so i need it to last.oh its like chicken and egg.haha

oh of course i chose GUESS(i dun like the design.y la bg contoh GUESS) after the blablabla above.

oke i rest my offence ppl.hehe