
she’s in grieve
she told me everything
she made me think
she made me more cautious
she made me feel paranoid


i just hate myself when i’m paranoid


-left undecided-

p/s : hope that ‘she’ will recover soon…she’ll find someone better(definitely), inshaallah ;


“Semua yang terjadi ada hikmahnya…”


2 perasaanku yang dominan ketika ini:

1. sedih
kerana baru sahaja menkensel satu plan yg sgt BESAR.ya, B.E.S.A.R(at least bg saye la hehe)harapnye bukanlah chance of a lifetime..huhu..hint:a vay-k ;( inshaallah ada rezeki dan masa, akan berjayelah melaksanakan plan seumpama itu huhu

2. gembira
– skrg dh tak stress dah bile jumpe lead eng sbb takyah pning2 pk cmane nak pujuk supaya sy blh amik cuti lame2

– boleh berkhidmat utk bangsa dan negara dgn lebih tenang (keje la!):kne backup incik chinese itu bercuti raye cina.plannye nak amik cuti time miggu raye cine tuh huhu.so kne la jg ofis kat jb…

– duit vay-k itu blh digunakan utk,

a. membeli laptop – i’ve been eyeing for vaio pink kaler tp sgt la mahal.baru2 ni tnmpk dell pun dh kuar laptop warna warni.much cheaper!!ada webcam lagi…lalala~

b. saving la of kos – utk vay-k yg lagi bes..hmpph

– dan sebagainya…saya lebih tenang skrg hehehe

oh, saya meletakkan gembira di no.2 kerana itu adalah perasaan saya skrg…wieee~~

thank u Allah..!



“Barangsiapa berpuasa pada bulan Ramadhan lalu diiringinya dengan puasa enam hari bulan Syawal, berarti ia telah berpuasa setahun penuh.” (H.R Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidzi, An-Nasa’i dan Ibnu Majah)

esok hari isnin
hari isnin kena gi keje
dah sminggu lebih tinggalkan keje ofis
camane nak dpt rythm balik ni

lagi satu
mood raye alhamdulillah dah beransur kurang
jadi nye
jom puasa enam!!


k la…kepada semua,jemput dtg umah ye.kalau nak dtg,gtau awl2 coz blh prepare mknn bes sket.hehe

selamat hari raye kpd semua!!!
mohon maaf lahir dan batin=)


happy eid!!

so i would like to say ahlan wa sahlan to all readers he he…

and since this is my last entry before raya, i would like to wish,

eid mubarak, and maaf zahir dan batin to all..

semoga ibadah kita diterima olehNya..amiin

ok,i’m off to my atok’s house at tampin and inshaAllah will be back on the 4th day of raya=)

have a wonderful hari raya uols!!


j.co donuts and coffee here in kl!!

J.co Donut

1 New Message. from chura, 07 oct at 0805pm,

“ko tau tak j.co dah bukak kat pavillion kl?…”

1 New Message. from k.sarah, 08 oct at 1116am,

“Jco donut ada kat the pavillion kl!!!!”

Like every single person on earth knows i’m in love with the donut!!=)

Yes.indeed.happy =) tho my sis told me bout it sometime a month ago but this time,its for real!!anyone should try their donuts.better than u ever tasted in ur whole life(over ok description ttg ksedapannye haha)…anyways…bile nak pegi ni?sume dah tanye.lalala~

Glazy is da best!!nyum3~~ (nmpk tu dlm gmbr?donut yg plain tuh…cdapnye!!~)

hey u!yes, u yang berangan makan donut tu! stop!!!its still ramadhan laa hehe…

well,is it…

1. lagi 5 hari je ramadhan =(


2. lagi 5 hari nak raya =)
(eh eh mcm soalan is the glass half empty or half full lak kan heee)

hehe…fikir2kanlah…saye rase lailatulqadr belum lagi.sy harap mlm ni inshaAllah.what say u?;)

k la.just a short one.tgh boring+geram+stress sbenanye.only He knows why.huhu


energy return…


semalam Allah beri peluang sy utk berbuka puasa bersama anak2 yatim dan balu+janda di baitul fitrah,rawang.program inisiatif eksekutif muda di PCSB. saje join sbb rs dah lame tak pergi prog mcm ni.yeah..typical lame excuses…

baitul fitrah consists of 2 houses, for boys and girls each.the single mothers will take turn to take care of the girls whilst there is one ustaz from surabaya(man,i forgot his name.my bad) taking care of the boys.they are in the range of as young as 2 years old and as mature as form 4 students…and the single mothers..there are 14 of em,some of them were left by their husbands or a widower.

its an eye opener coz
1. the founder, kak liza@ummu is so determine to take care of those children and mommies regardless..yes,regardless of no fund,no zakat,no insurans whatsoever.she herself has her own 8 kids and yet…well, Allah will grant her with pahala InshaAllah…

2. the house already registered with pusat zakat and kak liza even showed the form to the pusat zakat saying that they’re eligible for zakat.however till last yr, no sign of getting any from PZS.well i wonder whether our zakat system in malaysia is reliable enough or not…what can i do?=(

3. asked k.liza for coming eidulfitri preparation, she said she brings the childrens trip by trip to mydin rawang…altogether,around 25 kids..huhu.Allah really helps her!well they deserve to be happy.and this really makes me wonder how ungrateful and boros i was(or still am?)..but the other side of the world(no,just the other side of selangor!!), someone needs more than i do.thats the beauty of visiting these ppl=)u learn about YOURSELF more..

4. and looking into the children’s eyes…they understand nothing..they still can smile tho they have no parents.they can still laugh like they never been hurt, they joke around like they never been neglected…like my aunt once said,”setiap org ade bahagian masing2…” and yes, we never know how they feels inside.we admire someone coz he/she has a perfect family/parents/job/etc but you never know whats bothering him/her…nobody has a PERFECT life…

we had breakfast together and after the goody bags and duit raya give away, we bid farewell…

it was nice and memorable indeed=)

thanks to all the YPC members who makes it happen.its not a matter of cukup syarat activity/filling up the calendar…its about contribution to the society…to the one in need inshaAllah….

till then, wassalam