this morning en bakar showed me+colleagues (3 of us) a list of names(DD) who’ll probably get 2 for PPA.well the managers have to fight for em first.yea,yea, name was not listed.hehe.strive harder!
yet,find myself envying some of my frens(dun want to reveal d names here) who are really cool n happening frens,live life,but at the same time maintaining their performance for the sake of the organization.ok ok am exagerating.but hey..they deserve it least ade seseorang yg bulih saya mengepau nnt.kiki
then half an hour after that, am thinking of listing up my dreams. maksud saya,impian yg memerlukan $$ yg sgt bykk n dah kena mula untuk mengumpul duit goes the list;
1)get myself a car
2)get married and have kids
3)buy my own house
4)pursue masters degree or get a 2nd degree
5)have my own business/be a franchisee
6)perform haj (with future husband?) – by 2017 inshaallah
i noe its not impossible to achieve those ‘dreams’.well if we dont dream then how can we set the target and strive towards i right or am i right.hehe.but all in all, its how you achieve it not how u dream it.dreams will be dreams.nothing certain about dreams.unless u put urself 200% effort to achieve it.then the dreams can transform into something supercool called reality(yummy!)..
but always remember, effort is one thing.manage ur savings and time is another thing.n plus,to get a balance life altogether is one run business,daily office work,kids,hubby,classes,assignments,outstations,meetings etc etc.then u hav to balance ur life with ur usrah,tafsir,katibah,iftar matter how high u r even on top of the world,nvr forget our Creator.always find way to improve our relation with there u go ppl..
hmm..must start thinking of how to manage all those agendas in life.yup!
well it mite looks ridiculous super berangan n stuff.but well its my dreams not yours.haha.either way its the innerself that drives you.the courage,the hopes,the strengths,the etc..
just now one of my colleague asked en bakar on his opinion if he were to pursue his study in MD petroleum engineering,sponsored by pet. he’s currently with mech dept,surface.he wish to join the subsurface are his reasonings[adekepekataanni];
1. most of high achievers/flyers eg MDCEO,VP are from subsurface background
2. they make more money[haha of cos]
3. petroleum is pet’s core business
4. their supercool job ie dealing with wells,driller,reservoirs cool ok.this is the time when en bakar told us on how cool their PPA were.he attend the persidangan manager2 the day before.the subsurface manager was defending his staff,”she managed to drill 3 wells.not 2 but 3.she deserves to get 1″ tho he fought her for 2.OMG.masa tu saya mmg rase di bawah tersgtla kerana mereka org2 laut ini sgt cool.en bakar tried to compare with electrical,what is the impact of eg purchasing gensets to the organization (tho there is!wp tidak dgn mata kasar) compared to the impact of drilling wells!helo mmg la efek kat keuntungan kompeni kalau takde genset camane itu driller mau operate.takkan well tu mcm tetibe tumbuh dgn jayanye.ayo.sori emo emo.hehe
but thats not my point.what i want to highlight here is what en bakar’s advice after my colleague present his ‘case’ just colleague is just one yr with pet btw.still new.en bakar said,”treasure what u have.learn as much of u can.make urself marketable to the proactive.stop thinking of other ppl’s oppurtunity.think about developing ownself rather than thinking other’s rezeki.keep on complaining and keep on planning to skip between companies wont make u any good”
thats a norm.u will always envy what other ppl’s have.hmm.well…no yg komen pjg2 kat ats tu apekejadah.heeeee;p
papepun,sumthing for us to sit n ponder.kan?
k la.pen off.bui2