
yesterday i manage to get myself 2 books. i couldnt find one more book on the shelf. probably it is out of stock. even the other 2 was the final copy lest.wuhuu

so here are the books;

1. my reality check bounced by jason ryan dorsey – read my 23rd march entry

2. girl,get your money straight! by glinda bridgforth – i get to know this book thru , her book club.

and here is the sneak review on the book;
“If you’re tired of feeling powerless over your finances and are ready to start funding your dreams, then come on girl–it’s time to get your money straight! Author and financial expert Glinda Bridgforth knows that healthy money management is rarely just about dollars–it’s about getting to the root of why we spend what we do and recognizing the emotional and cultural issues that play out in our unhealthy financial habits. Girl, Get Your Money Straight! presents her seven-step program for holistic financial healing–an upbeat, empowering road map that you can use to identify your heart’s desires, break away from negative spending patterns, pay off outstanding debts, develop a spending plan, conquer the checkbook blues, and create new wealth. Filled with Bridgforth’s warmhearted wisdom and advice, and complete with worksheets exercises, affirmations, and inspiring stories of African American women who have found financial peace of mind, Girl, Get Your Money Straight! is a fresh, fun, and eminently practical guide to healing your bank account and building a life that you love.”

i already started to read the first book.n it definitely not indah khabar dr rupa.sgt best ok..

i’m off to course at tganu this sunday-thursday..will try to finish both books and continue my crossstitching project.hehe

k ppl.tata

4 new projects

i bought 3 cool stuff last saturday;

1. cross stitch set – inspired by az’s room.i saw a cross stitch frame in her room

2. 3 diff colors of beads – inspired by hawa’s baju kurungs.she did the beads thingy all by her own.envy her

3. knitting wool – inspired by meredith in grey’s anatomy. there was this one episode showed her knitting.and if am not mistaken,izzie as so in luv with the series btw.ok ok out of topic.hehe

oh yea i have another project.i tried to look for the book i mentioned last week, the one written by jason dorsey, but couldnt find at the mph sales or even in the big mph itself.sgt sedeh ok!

and this morning i manage to search for books i wanted thru kinokuniya bookweb.and wow!all books are available there!will write about the books in my next entry.tunggu!!

i already begin my cross stitch and beads project last 2 days.and will proceed with another 2 this week=)

gambate ne!!


self motivation

Came across this book just now.thru yahoo page.i read the 1st chapter.interesting.ok la regardless of the author-mat saleh.but still the book is quite interesting.mmg ade part tu mcm lbh kpd cara hidup mat abaikan yg tu.amik yg ada kaitan je.hmm

I love the part when he said,

Waiting for any other time, especially the right time, to make your break for your dreams just wastes irreplaceable opportunities.You end up sitting on your dreams while your fears and insecurities take the lead. You continue getting older and more frustrated but not an inch closer to what will bring more meaning and satisfaction to your life, yet it’s entirely your choice—even if you decide to ignore the fact that you choose the life you lead.”

and this part,

“How can doing everything right end up feeling wrong?”

the rest u can find in the book mcm nak bli buku ni.ingt nak cr this weekend kat mph sales.

berikut adalah yg dpt sy simpulkan hasil drp bacaan chapter 1 tersebut,

1. stop being a mediocre
2. add the spices in ur life by doing things other than ur daily routine, something that can change the world(wow!)eg start with visiting the orphans?
3. do whatever u feel like doing n stop doing something that u dun feel like doing.well as long as the thing is good lah.kalau mlanggar bts agama jgn la kan.

well cant wait to read the book myself!=)

k pen off.tata


“Kausar…ni nak habaq sikit…Kak Norizam awak tu..still Cik lagi lah…single mingle macam you juga !! tak pasal2 dah dapat title time pakai ‘Cik’ okay… “

dpt emel ni fr pn zaine elect mmc a few days back.

ehem..sgt malu ok.saya telah hantar agak byk email kpd kak norizam tp terpanggil beliau ‘puan’.dah la saya men’cc kpd ramai org.isk.kesian kat die.kesian kat saya juge.hehe*malu*

lately mcm xde idea nk memblog.mcm2 jadik tp kdg2 tlalu personal utk diceritakan di sini.saya ada pdpt : seseorg tak sepatutnye menjadikan blog beliau terlalu hbgn dgn family,gaduh dgn kwn etc.yep,mmgla ini blog cmane kalau satu hari org yg dperkatakan tu tau kewujudan blog ni?x ke parah.lps tu dah elok2 pun blh gaduh balik.btul tak?

save all the personal thingy tu in ur diary k.coz the diary is meant to be CONFIDENTIAL..ok?no?

k tata

peristiwa diri yg sudah tua

tarikh : 17 mac 2007,sabtu
tempat kejadian : stesen minyak petronas sek 6 shah alam
masa : 1.50ptg


nak isi minyak.masuk stesen minyak.parking.bwk kuar purse.bukak tempat isi minyak.alamak.mesin krdt kad ni takleh pakai.kne byr cash la ni.nsb baik ada cash dlm handbag.bisik hati.sorg pembantu isi minyak ni dtg.of cos la pngkt adik kan..

adik mesra : hai knp tak pggl sy?
me : mesin ni rosak ye
adik mesra : a’ah.kan ade tulis tu
me : la yeke.tlg dik.nk rm30 (aku hulur rm50)thanks
adik mesra : prob..(sengih)
me : eh jap dik!!!(agak kuat ye)
adik mesra : huh? (hulur kad mesra.lupe nk bg.kata nk msk car craze.ehe)
me : thanks

adik mesra pi byr kat kaunter smbil aku mnunggu di tmpt isi minyak.die bg isyarat ok.aku pun mulalah mengisik minyak..adik mesra dtg,hulur baki lg rm20.oh dan ms itu la adik mesra nak jual minyak lain.minyak urat.

adik mesra : dr mane? (sengih lg)
me : sini je
adik mesra : ade ape?
me : oo..kenduri
adik mesra : watpe skrg.blaja ke keje
me : keje
adik mesra : kat mane?
(ms ni aku da separa bosan.knp la meter ni lmbt sgt smpi rm30)
me : kt klcc
adik mesra : oh…takde can la saya nmpknye nk bknln dgn awk
(perbualan terhenti selama err 15 saat)
me : err…akak dah tua dik..
(adik mesra berlalu pergi.frust kot bile tau aku da tua.heeee)

ok.habes cite.tu je nk bgtau.saya dah tua.hehe.
dan itu adalah by far plg lame rase nk hbs isi offence

moral of the story : kalau dah terang2 org pggl ‘dik’ tu faham2 je la yek adik adik..ehe…

sebenanya mmg tade idea nk tulis ape.kiki

k tata


i love this song eversince.nice one.different.interesting..

surga-Mu by Ungu
Segala yang ada dalam hidupku
Kusadari semua milikMu
Ku hanya hambaMu yang berlumur dosa

Tunjukkan aku jalan lurusMu
Untuk menggapai SurgaMu
Terangiku dalam setiap langkah hidupku

Hanya Engkau

Allahu Akbar
Allah Maha Besar
Ku memujaMu di setiap waktu

Hanyalah padaMu
Tempatku berteduh
Memohon ridho dan ampunanMu
Tunjukkan aku jalan lurusMu
Untuk menggapai SurgaMu
Terangiku dalam setiap langkah hidupku

Hanya Engkau


Hanyalah kepadaMu
Tempatku berteduh
Memohon ridho dan ampunanMu


tho ungu is a rock singer(sorta), they deliver this song with their own



hari ni mcm nak demam.dahi panas.tadi mintak tolong secretary amikkan panadol kat atas.asalnye tanye die ade panadol ke tidak.die takde tp die ofer nak tulun amik kat level atas.sgt dah telan panadol sebijik td.

sebenanye tgh duk siapkan slides untuk presentation akhir bln ni.ptt nak letak load list kat dlm takde load list tanpa contengan n hold dulu.tggu pn zaine da siapkan yg updated nye load list nnt br scan masuk lam slide.hmm

td weekly progress meeting.agak hangat dek kerana isu byk tak setel.spt berikut;

1.lead-lag air compressors
issue was highlighted by en abu bakar aka abuya during HAZOP.our TP, en razak earlier mentioned that theres no such thing as both air compressors running – “if 2 air compressors running n going to the same header, only will feed.this is due to the unidentical pressures from opposite direction.even if the diff is 0.1 bar, the more dominant pressure will cause the lower side to backflow n cause the temp to increase n kebabom![oke tipu je]the 2nd air compressor will, no use of having both running”.and according to pn zaine,”if they want the air compressors to run leadlag, we have to resize the compressors and make it 3 units instead of 2,for backup purpose.but that’ll give us a completely diff philosophy n major rework n change in manhours…” result:duty-standby air compressors(double yay!takyah saya susah mnyusah meresize itu generator)

2. hydrate issue
this was raised during our meeting with SSB last wk.pipeline to tackle.still no result.this will also affect the KHI->refrigerant/cooler->resize the genset.electrical will always hav problems due to their problems.huhu

3. HAZOP issues
the ‘consider’ issues should be highlighted as well.en ahmad da bengang da ms ni

4. slug catcher at HTI
awaiting study.en shaifuz lak bengang

tu je la kot major issues.yg sgt klaka nye, MMC gado dgn PCSB.RE n head facilities kitorg garang,PM MMC sgt soft spoken.i saw the MMHE personnel terkekek2 ketawa.sabo je la.adekepatut.sekali kne tembak dgn en shaifuz.terus tersenyap=)

tp td adalah antara meeting yg sgt menggerunkan ok.krn sume btekak like nobody zaine attack en ahmad.en ahmad attack pn norizam.en shaifuz attack norizam attack en shaifuz.adoi la.sbb tu dmm kut.iskk

fr now on i hav to takeover en bakar’s role.n lead electrical.huhu.looking at the way en ahmad n en shaifuz pushing everybody is not a good sign for me.nways..all the me!

need a good rest,a good sleep.tata

my SUPERB list

this morning en bakar showed me+colleagues (3 of us) a list of names(DD) who’ll probably get 2 for PPA.well the managers have to fight for em first.yea,yea, name was not listed.hehe.strive harder!
yet,find myself envying some of my frens(dun want to reveal d names here) who are really cool n happening frens,live life,but at the same time maintaining their performance for the sake of the organization.ok ok am exagerating.but hey..they deserve it least ade seseorang yg bulih saya mengepau nnt.kiki

then half an hour after that, am thinking of listing up my dreams. maksud saya,impian yg memerlukan $$ yg sgt bykk n dah kena mula untuk mengumpul duit goes the list;

1)get myself a car

2)get married and have kids

3)buy my own house

4)pursue masters degree or get a 2nd degree

5)have my own business/be a franchisee

6)perform haj (with future husband?) – by 2017 inshaallah

i noe its not impossible to achieve those ‘dreams’.well if we dont dream then how can we set the target and strive towards i right or am i right.hehe.but all in all, its how you achieve it not how u dream it.dreams will be dreams.nothing certain about dreams.unless u put urself 200% effort to achieve it.then the dreams can transform into something supercool called reality(yummy!)..

but always remember, effort is one thing.manage ur savings and time is another thing.n plus,to get a balance life altogether is one run business,daily office work,kids,hubby,classes,assignments,outstations,meetings etc etc.then u hav to balance ur life with ur usrah,tafsir,katibah,iftar matter how high u r even on top of the world,nvr forget our Creator.always find way to improve our relation with there u go ppl..

hmm..must start thinking of how to manage all those agendas in life.yup!

well it mite looks ridiculous super berangan n stuff.but well its my dreams not yours.haha.either way its the innerself that drives you.the courage,the hopes,the strengths,the etc..

just now one of my colleague asked en bakar on his opinion if he were to pursue his study in MD petroleum engineering,sponsored by pet. he’s currently with mech dept,surface.he wish to join the subsurface are his reasonings[adekepekataanni];

1. most of high achievers/flyers eg MDCEO,VP are from subsurface background
2. they make more money[haha of cos]
3. petroleum is pet’s core business
4. their supercool job ie dealing with wells,driller,reservoirs cool ok.this is the time when en bakar told us on how cool their PPA were.he attend the persidangan manager2 the day before.the subsurface manager was defending his staff,”she managed to drill 3 wells.not 2 but 3.she deserves to get 1″ tho he fought her for 2.OMG.masa tu saya mmg rase di bawah tersgtla kerana mereka org2 laut ini sgt cool.en bakar tried to compare with electrical,what is the impact of eg purchasing gensets to the organization (tho there is!wp tidak dgn mata kasar) compared to the impact of drilling wells!helo mmg la efek kat keuntungan kompeni kalau takde genset camane itu driller mau operate.takkan well tu mcm tetibe tumbuh dgn jayanye.ayo.sori emo emo.hehe

but thats not my point.what i want to highlight here is what en bakar’s advice after my colleague present his ‘case’ just colleague is just one yr with pet btw.still new.en bakar said,”treasure what u have.learn as much of u can.make urself marketable to the proactive.stop thinking of other ppl’s oppurtunity.think about developing ownself rather than thinking other’s rezeki.keep on complaining and keep on planning to skip between companies wont make u any good”

thats a norm.u will always envy what other ppl’s have.hmm.well…no yg komen pjg2 kat ats tu apekejadah.heeeee;p
papepun,sumthing for us to sit n ponder.kan?

k la.pen off.bui2

autisme n tech allowance<-sgt xde kne mngene

last 2 days i came across an article in StarTwo.the article was basically on a father, who gave up his work just to take care of his autisme daughter.thus, he is now a so-called ‘househusband’.of course lah they just replace the word ‘wife’ with ‘husband’ then voila, it defines hubby staying at home n do housework.

but here am not trying to lecture about the househusband term blablabla.but from the moment i read the article, am eager to know more on ‘autisme’. yelah, since the daddy very like nekad to quit his job just to give a 110% attention on his daughter whose autistic.hmm

yesterday i was having a conv with my mum when suddenly this topic came up.she told me from what she understood lah but the rest she asked me to google up—>ade ke such here are my google results,

“Autistic spectrum disorders are complex developmental disorders, which include autism, Asperger’s syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD), Rett syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) not otherwise specified. All of these disorders involve problems with:

– Social interactions
– Verbal and nonverbal communication
– Repetitive behaviors or interests

These disorders are known as spectrum disorders because the signs and symptoms of each can appear in different combinations and in varying degrees of severity. Two children with the same diagnosis may share certain patterns of behavior but can exhibit a wide range of skills and abilities.

A child with an autistic spectrum disorder may develop normally for the first few months or years of life, then become less responsive to other people. These disorders can often be reliably detected by the age of 3 years, and in some cases as early as 18 months. Still, it’s estimated that only 50 percent of children with autistic spectrum disorders are diagnosed before kindergarten. Delayed speech is one common indicator of such a disorder. However, it’s important to note that not all children with delayed speech have an autistic spectrum disorder.”

ooo i seeee…n my mum oso said that this is not a penyakit but its more like a such word as cure.the parents have to learn how to deal with their autistic child.and of cos,patience is an important element.hmm.dats y kita kne salu doa cemni, “ya allah..kurniakanlah diriku zuriat yag soleh,sihat dan sempurna.amiin”yela,kdg2 baby tu lahir nmpk sempurna je,tp bile die membesar, wallahua’ kne oways bdoa wp baby da kan?

very enlighting.ecece

k dats all..

oh twit2,just get this news – there wont be tech allowance for those with less than 3yrs service..hmm xmo bg xpela..

mari menangis hwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAA~

yela2 buruks.i noe.tata


what a day!pheew

minor accident
yups.not cool ok.but nway my dad’s driving.was only the co-pilot.this morning, on the way to asia jaya station.this one car, chinese driver, drove so da*n fast, n its so happen that my dad doesnt like this kind of he sorta blocked his way n bam!the car’s side mirror hit my dad’s was like tergesel.then he pulled over to the side of the road n came to our car then my dad copied his car’s reg no.he knocked my dad’s mirror n here goes the conv;

en cina : how u drive huh?
dad : n how u drive?
en cina : u blocked my way.u’re suppose to give way
dad : why u drive like that.speeding bla bla bla
en cina : so u’re taking my car reg no.i already take case i see any report on this, u know what i’ll do.i have link with carefully nxt time
dad : u too

n then this guy went back to his car.actually my dad wasnt satisfied.

hmm.till now am not sure whose fault was that.maybe we malaysian shud be more compromise when it comes to the road safety.its the life we’re talking about.ingatlah org yang tersayang.not only can cause u accident but heart attack as well<–if u gather all these small2 accident+smallfight+iwillmakepolicereport thingy, it sure can cause u hypertension.i always worried with my dad’s health.he likes to creates thing that can lead to his hypertension…abah..abah..hmm
nway luckily no one gets hurt.takut gak ade btumbuk ke hape..hiyee..sgt wrap,not a good thing to start a day..=(

HSE PCSB organized this free test annually.for this yr,05-06 march.the best part is-free of charge!if u were to take the test,it cost around rm100 there.huhu.well,i had it just now.alhamdulillah..all okay.siap dah nazar nak pose 5hari tuh kalau all ok.well after all..HE knows BEST.we should be thankful of our good health given by Him.i heard someone said – money cannot buy true.

“ya allah..Kau kurniakan la diriku kesihatan yang baik, umur yang panjang dan hidup yang bermanfaat.ameen”

k tata for now